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Re: What function sets up the GNUstep environment?

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: What function sets up the GNUstep environment?
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 18:01:28 +0100

Your problem got me thinking. Would it help you if we offered a „no-op“ backend 
for GNUstep? That is a backend where both the window and the drawing system 
would be implemented as no-operations.

We could try to get this done as a special GNUstep back configuration. Most 
likely we could cheat here by reusing the gsc classes as a real drawing 
backend, which of course would not draw but raise subclassResponsibility:. That 
means we only need code for the window/event part and a lot of configuration to 
switch all the extra libraries off.


> Am 03.11.2020 um 16:02 schrieb Gustavo Tavares <mucholove@fastmail.com>:
> Thank you! This is great.
> I think I'm going to make some sort of subclass—NSCommandLineApplication.
> I did implement some of the backend classes in a -doNothingMethod { ; } 
> style: GSFontInfo / GSFontEnumerator.
> Previously I just tried running X11 and calling it a day—but that didn't 
> work. So goes the rabbit hole...
> Looks like it will be fun though. Just gotta love Objective-C :)
> Gustabo
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2020, at 11:20 PM, Ivan Vučica wrote:
>> Based on 
>> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-base/blob/3752016/Source/NSProcessInfo.m#L140-L154,
>>  this comes from 
>> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-base/blob/3752016/Source/NSProcessInfo.m#L919
>>  or 
>> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-base/blob/3752016/Source/NSProcessInfo.m#L1021.
>> If these were GUI apps, I’d recommend calling NSApplicationMain which takes 
>> argc and argv and sorts this out for you – in fact, that’s ideally exactly 
>> what you should do if you’re using any GUI methods.  You’re saying you’re 
>> using certain GUI classes on the server; if you believe they will actually 
>> behave correctly in a server environment without gnustep-back (not a given; 
>> hypothetically, NSColor could heavily depend on Opal’s CGColorRef), you may 
>> be able to call NSProcessInfo +initializeWithArguments:..., too.
>> Otherwise study 
>> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-gui/blob/0ccdb278d4cc8ad60f033892a5105e0532261838/Source/Functions.m#L63
>>  carefully, but don’t be surprised if lack of x11 breaks GUI classes. You 
>> break it (into pieces), you get to pick up those pieces and glue them 
>> together :)
>> (Yes, I noticed you said you went ahead and removed some backend-dependent 
>> code. This sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun…)
>> Ivan Vučica
>> From: Gustavo Tavares
>> Sent: Tuesday 3 November 2020 02:13
>> To: GNUstep Discuss
>> Subject: What function sets up the GNUstep environment?
>> Hi!
>> Was wondering what function sets up a GNUstep environemtnt?
>> Getting this error:
>> GNUSTEP Internal Error:
>> The private GNUstep function to establish the argv and environment
>> variables was not called.
>> Mismatched library versions between GNUstep Foundation (base) and AppKit
>> (gui) is most often the cause of this message. Please be sure you
>> are using known compatible versions and not a mismatched set. Generally,
>> we recommend you use versions of base and gui which were released together.
>> For more detailed assistance, please report the error to bug-gnustep@gnu.org.
>> ---
>> For context—I built a seperate framework that extracts some "GUI" classes 
>> with the intention to use them semantically on a server. (Such as NSImage, 
>> NSColor, NSFont...)
>> I already went through the business of overriding / deleting some of the 
>> backend functions so that the classes would be "initalized" and wouldn't 
>> need to be rendered to screen.
>> Stuck here. 
>> Where should I look?
>> Thank you,
>> G

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