Le 14.08.2021 22:37, Gregory Casamento a écrit :
> I really wish you had joined the discussion earlier. I will make the
> next
> one on a Saturday so that you can attend. The ONE thing most of us
> agreed
> on readily was that the website needs a revamping. The general design
> can
> stay the same, but the content NEEDS to be updated and more easily
> accessible. The current design is NOT conducive to people learning
> about
> the project in my opinion.
The current design can stay roughly the same while updating Bootrap
using more of its feature.
Biggest images can attract new people. Even sample images from Etoile
show what is possible.
Attached is a *quickly done* sample.
Xavier Brochard xavier@alternatif.org
La liberté est à l'homme ce que les ailes sont à l'oiseau (Jean-Pierre