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Re: making deb packages

From: Daniel Boyd
Subject: Re: making deb packages
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 19:01:53 -0500

Figured it out—figured I’d post the answer here in case anyone else has the same question. 

Documentation in the link above. 

Basically you do:
> make
> make install DESTDIR=/my/temp/dir 

make will create your directory structure for you and then you just need to create the DEBIAN dir inside with control and optionally postinst. etc as documented in various places by the Debian project. 

I ended up using Andreas Fink’s builds of the GNUstep libraries which I found here: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnustep/2021-09/msg00012.html

Thanks, Andreas!

I assume you could make debs of the gnustep libraries using the same method which I may try on a later date. 

Excited to start deploying GNUstep apps across my organization. 

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