Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:37:24 -0700
From: Tom Sheffler <>
Subject: AppKit, libdispatch and 100% CPU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
In an app that creates a window with AppKit and calls
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue, ...) I am seeing the CPU spike to
100% when nothing is happening. I first noticed in a small program that
had a background queue that wanted to update the display. But I have
managed to illustrate the issue in a very simple program here:
A followup to my previous post about a use of AppKit with dispatch_async and observing 100% CPU use. I have an easy workaround, but thought I would report what I learned along the way.
The use case is the situation when an operation on the non-main queue
wishes to update a GUI element. The canonical way to do this with dispatch is
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
However, when using this with [NSApp run], after the first call to
dispatch_async to the main queue, the CPU goes to 100%. If the call
doesn't happen at first, the CPU remains low, but then rises after the
first call.
dispatch_after(5.0 SECONDS, non_main_queue, ^{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue, ^{
The CPU wouldn't go to 100% until after 5 seconds.
A straightforward way to fix this is to use performSelectorOnMainThread: instead of a dispatch to the main queue.
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(theGuiOp:)
It's easy enough to write something like performBlockOnMainThread: so that the code
above becomes something like this
[self performBlockOnMainThread:^{
and then I can have blocks and all is fine. The app runs well and the
CPU usage is low. Use of non-main dispatch queues for background
operations is fine too.
What do I think is happenening?
Inside NSSRunLoop, there are two calls to dispatch internals
that give a handle to wait on and the function to run when its ready.
I'm no expert in RunLoop internals, but it seems that after the first
dispatch_async(main_queue()) the handle is always ready for reading
and some sort of busy-wait is happening. Even when I have not
scheduled future events on the main_queue, it is woken up repeatedly.