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[DMCA-Activists] Appropriate content for dmca-activists.

From: C. Scott Ananian
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Appropriate content for dmca-activists.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 12:39:20 -0400 (EDT)

Just a quick note to the dmca-activists moderator, and for discussion
among the other subscribers to dmca-activists.

I'm not particularly pleased about the recent rampant cross-posting to
dmca-activists.  Although the list title states "digital freedom
activists" *I* (at least) was under the impression that this mailing list
was more for DMCA-like issues.  Software patents, although reprehensible,
are not necessarily on-topic (other opinions welcome).  Minutes of the
DMCA exemption hearing and NY fair use clearly *are*.

This mailing list will remain useful only in so far as the signal-to-noise
remains high.  I'd like to respectfully request that cross-posted replies
to messages from other lists *not* be approved on this mailing list.
I understand cross-posting announcements (and the DMCA exemption hearing
minutes and NY fair use were appropriately cross-posted, in my opinion),
but I think other list members will agree with me that other of the recent
deluge of messages contributed no useful content.  I don't want this to
turn into another of the free-skylarov lists.

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