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Re: [DotGNU]Microsoft.NET compatibility

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Microsoft.NET compatibility
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:56:21 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-9mdk i686; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001013

It also provides some interesting possibilities, at least in US govt contracts as covered by the FAR (Federal Aquisition Regulations). If one has a procurement request for something that says "ECMA spec compliant X", and a given vendor's solution is demonstratably non-compliant, they cannot make that sale regardless of how well they shmooze the contract officers involved! If the only product(s) that are demonstratably compliant happen to be a free software solution, and the free software vendor(s) involved are willing to persue the matter all the way thru the protest process, all the better. The system (federal procurement) actually does usually work and can and has excluded vendors that one would expect would be "favored" politically.

Rhys Weatherley wrote:

meson wrote:

Do you realize that by taking the responsibility of .NET compatibility
you are targeting a moving platform? Consider this statement given a
long time ago by some Microsoft manager (I don't remember the exact
words) "We must keep the Windows API a moving target since we are NOT
in the BIOS business". By drastically changing the .NET platform
Microsoft can seriously dent our claim of 'backward compatibility' at
any time it chooses.

On the other hand, Microsoft is standardising many
of the .NET components through the ECMA.  Because
they are the only implementation at the moment, it is
next to impossible to determine if they are indeed
sticking to the spec.

If we have an alternative implementation of ECMA,
then pointing out where Microsoft deviates from their
own spec will be a lot easier.  The public is then
better informed.

One thing that gets lost in the Java vs MS debate is
that Microsoft's attempt to embrace and extend the
Java platform did backfire on them a bit.  PR-wise
they were monumentally hit.



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