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Re: [DotGNU]Protection from legal harassment (was Re: DotGNU and busines

From: Norbert Bollow
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Protection from legal harassment (was Re: DotGNU and business)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 20:53:01 +0200

>  PM> requirments. Wouldn't it be best to provide a DotGNU corporation
>  PM> for this stuff (the folks needing legal protection would probably
>  PM> qualify as employees anyway) since some of us might not be able
>  PM> to start a corporation? I know bizplan died, but with
>  PM> FreeDevelopers going down it could be useful to give the concept
>  PM> another try.
>  PM> FreeDevelopers going down it could be useful to give the concept
>  PM> another try.
> Perhaps this is something of a GNU business focus project to
> create.

Something to be careful about here is to avoid creating new
liabilities.  In particular, if you're interested in organising
such a "DotGNU corporation", you'll probably need to spend quite
a bit of money on legal advice before it's clear whether it's
feasible to set this up in a manner that does not create
unacceptable legal risks for at least some of the organisers
of this "DotGNU corporation".

Anecdote:  The person who organised FreeDevelopers, a lawyer,
was generally very quick to grab for himself positions and roles
of influence.  However, he never had any interest in officially
becoming an executive or director of one of the planned
companies.  (These positions bring with them some legal
accountability.)  He never stated his reasons for not being
interested in these roles.

Greetings, Norbert.

Founder & Steering Committee member of
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet     (near Zurich, Switzerland)
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