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Re: [Dragora-users] Recipes for popt and logrotate

From: Matias Fonzo
Subject: Re: [Dragora-users] Recipes for popt and logrotate
Date: Thu, 4 May 2017 19:02:50 -0300

On Thu, 4 May 2017 01:00:44 -0400
Alan Beadle <address@hidden> wrote:

> I have two more recipes ready for review: popt and logrotate. Why popt
> you ask? Because it turns out that logrotate depends on it. Default
> files are currently used for logrotate.conf and the logrotate cron job
> (which is run daily, as most distros do).
> I realize that it seems a bit silly to write the recipe for logrotate
> before we have a recipe for sysklogd, but that will come soon enough.
> Meanwhile, scrutinize (or maybe even test building) the two recipes
> pasted below.

Committed[1] with some changes, see below.

[1] http://dragora.org/repo.fsl/info/5900ff28665ef22d

> # Build recipe for popt.
> #
> # Copyright (C) 2017 Alan Beadle, address@hidden
> #
> # This recipe is free software: you have unlimited permission
> # to copy, distribute and modify it.
> program=popt
> version=1.16
> release=1
> tarname=${program}-${version}.tar.gz
> # Remote source(s)
> fetch=http://rpm5.org/files/${program}/${program}-${version}.tar.gz
> description="
> popt is a commandline option parser
> Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters. Popt was
> heavily influenced by the getopt() and getopt_long() functions, but
> it improves on them by allowing more powerful argument expansion.
> "

The description has been slightly modified, my right margin is at 72
columns.  :-)

> homepage=http://rpm5.org
> license=MIT/X
> # Source documentation
> docsdir="${docdir}/${program}-${version}"
> build()
> {
>     set -e
>     unpack "${tardir}/$tarname"
>     cd "$srcdir"

The config.{sub,guess} has not been updated since 2010.  I've included
a local copy of these files in order to ensure and reflect the build
machine -- we are building on *this machine*.

>     ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nls

I added the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to optimize the package and obtain the
stripped version.  Also, --prefix=/usr is not really needed because Qi
makes use of the variable configure_args which comes from the config
file (global) or it relies on internal values.  $configure_args is equal

configure_args=--prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/libexec
--bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc

>     make
>     make DESTDIR=${destdir} install

I've added '-j${jobs}' to "make" for both.  We want to support: `qi
-j<n>' (or jobs=<n> in the recipe) to speed up the build process as long
as the building system supports it.  (mostly all packages)

>     # Compress man pages
>     lzip -9 "${destdir}/${mandir}"/man?/*
>     # Copy documentation
>     mkdir -p "${destdir}${docsdir}"
>     for file in $docs
>     do
>         cp -p $file "${destdir}${docsdir}"
>     done
> }

Now is turn to build logrotate.  :-)

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