On Sat, Jul 16, 2022 at 6:03 PM DustDFG <dfgdust@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:58 AM Matias Fonzo <selk@dragora.org>
> El 2022-04-19 14:19, DustDFG escribió:
> > When I run stage 1 it created a strange tools links that points to
> > stage1/tools directory in the root of my host system. It looks like it
> > must
> > be in another place or maybe you should use in the scripts of stage 1
> > variable for it's path
> It's a canonical hard-coded path, needed for the temporary system. I
> can take a look to see if we can change it to the working directory or
> to another location, but this is not a priority now...
I also have an issue related to it. I can't have two dragora builds in
system at the same time and run them. I need to recreate the symlink
when I want to work with one of it. We can add to the enter-chroot
script automatic symlink recreation that it won't help to run several
dragora builds at the same time