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Re: [Duplicity-talk] duply list

From: edgar . soldin
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] duply list
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 22:58:17 +0200
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On 17.04.2014 21:52, Adam Gold wrote:
> I have two backup sets I run, let's call them A and B. Sometime in the
> last month or so (I think), when I run duply A list it returns the same
> result as if I'd run duply status rather than providing a list of all
> the files.  I have tried this on two different machines, one running
> Fedora 19 and one running Ubuntu 14.04 beta 2.  I'm using duply 1.60
> However with backup set B, I get an individual list of files as would be
> expected.
> Could anyone give me suggestions on how I can try and track down why
> this is happening?  Thanks.

first update to the latest release 1.7.3. you can simply download the tarball 
and replace your local ./duply with the on contained in the archive. 
alternatively place it somewhere else and simply run it from there.

secondly.. see if the error persists and if so.. run duply with the --preview 
option to see the generated command lines and post the out put here..


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