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Re: Using bookmark causes floating point exception

From: Jan-Åke Larsson
Subject: Re: Using bookmark causes floating point exception
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 18:58:20 +0000
User-agent: Evolution 3.36.4-0ubuntu1

Dear Francis,
I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, no error here. Could you provide the dvi that generates the error?


On lör, 2021-03-13 at 15:37 +0000, Francis Wright wrote:

When I use the latest TeX Live (from ctan.org) and compile the LaTeX file, dvipng-bug.tex, containing the following 5 lines:





Some random content.



using “latex dvipng-bug.tex” and then run “dvipng dvipng-bug.dvi”, I get the output:


This is dvipng 1.17 Copyright 2002-2015, 2019 Jan-Ake Larsson

Floating point exception (core dumped)


and no PNG file. I believe that this is caused by a bad interaction between the latest version of the bookmark driver file bkm-dvips.def, namely version 2020-11-06 v1.29, and dvipng. I have tried using dvipng 1.16 and 1.15, and the result is the same. But if I use the previous version of bkm-dvips.def, namely version 2019/12/03 v1.28, dvipng runs correctly. I find similar behaviour on Cygwin and Ubuntu.


I will also report this as a bookmark bug, but even if bookmark is the cause I don’t think dvipng should crash.


Best wishes, Francis

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