On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Eli Zaretskii
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 19:00:38 -0500
> Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
> > Basically, you just set bidi-display-reordering to a non-nil value,
> > either on a per-buffer basis, or everywhere (with setq-default), and
> > that's it.
> >
> > Doesn't seem to be an option. I do M-x set-variable, and the only bidi var
> is "bidi-paragraph-direction".
It's not a user-level option. Set it like this:
M-: (setq bidi-display-reordering t) RET
Aha, that's better.
> > Try "C-h H" first: bidi-display-reordering is set automatically in
> > that buffer, so you should be able to see the Arabic greeting
> > reordered correctly (assuming you have the font installed).
> >
> No bidi. I can see the Arabic chars, but they are left-to-right. I checked
> and bidi-display-reordering is t. But the Hebrew seems to be RTL.
??? If you move the cursor through the Arabic characters, doesn't it
move right to left? I definitely see the order of the characters
change when I toggle bidi-display-reordering on and off.
Ok, using the "Middle/Near East" line near the top of the display, C-f seems to work properly; after the space following the colon it jumps to the right-most Hebrew char, after which C-f steps to the left.
The problem is that the char display of the Arabic is still left-to-right. That is, C-f steps through the run RTL, but the reading order is still LTR (i.e. like this: ALSLAM @LYLM; it should be MLY@ MALSLA)
> This is running emacs -nw on OS X 10.5.8, after running bzr merge.
What "bzr merge"? Are you using the current trunk or something else?
bazaar command? If memory serves, I followed the instructions at
https://savannah.gnu.org/bzr/?group=emacs. I'm not familiar with bazaar so "bzr merge" was my best guess as to how to pull in the latest changes; seemed to work, is there a better way?
M-x report-emacs-bug RET, but please before that ask on emacs-devel,
perhaps some other OS X users can help you. I don't see any of these
I'm thinking more along the lines of a place to keep notes, comments, etc. organized - stuff that may or may not be a bug, that may or may not merit documentation, etc. Stuff tends to get lost in mailing lists. Actually, I have a wiki so maybe the thing to do is keep my notes there and submit items to this list as needed. See
http://wiki.sibawayhi.org/ (and please take the rhetorical outbursts with a grain of salt ;).