On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Amit Ramon
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hello list,
This is not really a bidi issue, but still, IMHO, it is strongly
related to typing in non-Latin languages. I'm writing lots of text in
Hebrew and am trying to use emacs as much as I can - this new bidi
emacs is great.
One things that bothers me is emacs Control-key binding. When I switch
to Hebrew keyboard layout, I cannot use the standard key binding. For
example, if I try to press Control-x while in Hebrew layout, emacs
sees it as Control-<Hebrew letter samekh>, and complains about an
undefined key. Other applications somehow "know" to do the translation
for Control-key sequence.
I hope I was clear enough, and that I post this to the right place.
I'm working on a Debian Linux, under X Window.
And thanks for everyone who took part in developing the emacs bidi -
this is really a great improvement!
emacs-bidi mailing list