On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Amit Aronovitch
<address@hidden> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Kenichi Handa
<address@hidden> wrote:
In article <AANLkTinFrEnuW=oPeBqg6=
address@hidden>, Amit Aronovitch <
address@hidden> writes:
> 1) I confirm that Arabic shaping seems to work fine on my build (27/8/10
> rev. 101200, on Linux+X (Debian unstable)).
> 2) Logical movement with C-f/C-b in the hello file seems fine (I do not see
> the trap described above).
Thank yor for testing them.
> 3) My Arabic is very basic, and I am not familiar with Arabic computing
> (keyboards etc.) - I noticed the following points, but I am not sure what i=
> s
> the expected behavior (I can only compare to other programs - gedit in this
> case):
> a) Column numbers (column-number-mode) behave strangely (I suspect that
> m17n-lib's invisible markup consume column numbers). For example as you mov=
> e
> using C-f in the word "=D9=87=D8=B0=D8=A7" column numbers go through "0,1,4=
> ,5" (i.e. the
> second character takes up 3 columns). If I change that to "=D8=A8=D9=87=D8=
> =B0=D8=A7", the column
> positions are "0,1,4,6,7" (the second and third chars take up 3 and 2
> columns resp.?).
> In gedit column positions are 1 character per column and do not depend on
> the shaping.
I've just committed a fix for this bug. It's not related to
Thanks. Much better now :-)
I also checked the diacritics (tashkil): It seems that they do not take up column number in Emacs.
In gedit, cursor movement is similar, but the vowels there do take up column number (as for cursor movement, as in emacs: forwards/backwards skips them, while 'delete' handles them separately). I find this behavior more consistent with the way both programs handle the lam-alef ligature (one cursor-movement space, but two column numbers).
However, as I said, I do not know which behavior is the most natural for Arabic users.
Checking the *Hebrew* diacritics (nikkud), I noticed a problem:
In some cases the diacritics are displayed in the wrong position (their "real" cursor position is correct, which makes the UI *very* confusing). e.g. if you type " עָלֵינוּ" , the Qamatz (first vowel) appears under the space instead of under the Ain (first letter). If you remove the space, the Qamatz does not appear at all. The Zeire (second vowel) appears under the Ain (first vowel) instead of the Lamed (second letter). However, the Shuruk sticks to the Vav (last letter) as it should (though the positioning is too close and to high IMHO).
I do not know if this issue is specific to my build.
My complete config.log is available here: