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Re: [PATCH] allow function values for `enable-local-eval'

From: Karl Fogel
Subject: Re: [PATCH] allow function values for `enable-local-eval'
Date: 29 Jun 2002 18:00:15 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2.50

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
> That sounds like TCPA--it is very scary.

I'm not familiar with that acronym.  (Are you referring to "Trusted
Computing Platform Alliance"?  No, I'm certainly not talking about
that or anything like that.)

But anyway, it doesn't matter.  I was only giving one example out of a
huge range of possible examples, all dissimilar.

>      /* 
>       * local variables:
>       * eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
>       * end:
>       */
> What does this file do?  Is there a reason you can't define a major
> mode in it, and use that asyou would any other major mode?

Yes, there are reasons that wouldn't work.  It's not really a mode,
it's more a grab-bag of various utility functions, unrelated except
insofar as they all help developers on this particular project.  It's
just various stuff one is likely to need while in one of the project's
C source files.  (I've included svn-dev.el below so you can see for

However, your question was really "What are the specific problem(s),
and can you find a solution that addresses it/them directly, without
requiring user-built code?"

So I infer that you're also asking for more data points.  Maybe it
would be helpful if I described another situation where people have
wanted to write arbitrary decision procedures for `enable-local-eval'.

   Situation 1: The need to load svn-dev.el, already described.

   Situation 2: I'm one of several administrators of a cooperatively
                maintained server.  We manually keep a log file of the
                changes we make to the system.  The log file includes
                some simple function definitions for inserting a new
                log item in HTML format, complete with date, user, and
                various other information we want logged.  These
                functions are defined in an `eval:' expression,
                because the log file itself is the logical central
                place to maintain that code (since the code is tiny,
                and is applicable nowhere else, keeping a major mode
                in a separate file would only confuse things).  Those
                of us who visit the log file frequently would like
                avoid prompting, but because we're security conscious,
                we can't set enable-local-eval to `t'.  However, we
                could all easily have a procedure in our individual
                .emacs files that would allow that log file's eval to
                happen without prompting.

One other solution I thought was a simple static list
`enable-local-eval-files'.  Its members would be filenames; for
elements of this list, enable-local-eval would be assumed to be `t'.
(Or it could be an alist, mapping filenames onto a value of
enable-local-eval for that file).

The problem with this is that it's either too sensitive to the precise
locations of the files, or it's a security risk because it's too loose
about locations -- and the more you shift away from one problem, the
closer you get to the other, inevitably.

The only way to make sure the user gets the level of safety she needs,
while still allowing her to avoid interactive queries, is to provide a
means by which she can write the determination code herself.  Then it
can actually inspect the expressions to be eval'ed, for example, or
verify certain properties about the file that would signify it is
safe or not safe.

At least, allowing arbitrary procedures was the only way I could see.
I'd be happy with any solution that allows the user to control the
degree of safety, while still making it possible for the user to
guarantee that interactive queries will be avoided under normal

Avoiding interactiveness is a Big Deal.  It becomes impossible to
write macros when something might ask y-or-n-p in the middle of macro
execution.  This has bitten us more than once :-(.

I hope the above is helpful, and that we can find some solution that
does the job.  Here's svn-dev.el:

;;;; Emacs Lisp help for writing Subversion code. ;;;;

;;; In C files, put something like this to load this file automatically:
;;   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
;;    * local variables:
;;    * eval: (load-file "../svn-dev.el")
;;    * end:
;;    */
;; (note: make sure to get the path right in the argument to load-file).

;; Later on, there will be auto-detection of svn files, modeline
;; status, and a whole library of routines to interface with the
;; command-line client.  For now, there's this, at Ben's request.
;; All this stuff should get folded into Emacs VC mode, really.

(defun svn-revert ()
  "Revert the current buffer and its file to its svn base revision."
  (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
        (fname (buffer-file-name))
        (outbuf (get-buffer-create "*svn output*")))
    (set-buffer outbuf)
    (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
    (call-process "svn" nil outbuf nil "status" fname)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (search-forward fname)
    (if (looking-at "^?")
        (error "\"%s\" is not a Subversion-controlled file" fname))
    (call-process "svn" nil outbuf nil "revert" fname)
    (set-buffer obuf)
    ;; todo: make a backup~ file?
      (revert-buffer nil t)
    (message "Reverted \"%s\"." fname)))

(defconst svn-adm-area ".svn"
  "The name of the Subversion administrative subdirectory.")

(defconst svn-adm-entries ".svn/entries"
  "The path from cwd to the Subversion entries file.")

(defun svn-controlled-path-p (path)
  "Return non-nil if PATH is under Subversion revision control, else
return nil.  If PATH does not exist, return nil.

In the future, this will return an Emacs Lisp reflection of PATH's
entry, either an explicit svn-entry-struct, or a list of the form
svn information in the mode line.  But that requires truly parsing the
entries file, instead of just detecting PATH among the entries."
  (interactive "f")  ; any use for interactive, other than testing?
   ((not (file-exists-p path))
   ((file-directory-p path)
    (let ((adm-area (concat path "/" svn-adm-area)))
      (if (file-directory-p adm-area)
    (let ((entries  (concat (file-name-directory path) svn-adm-entries))
          (basename (file-name-nondirectory path))
          (found    nil))
        (if (file-directory-p (concat (file-name-directory path) svn-adm-area))
              (let ((find-file-hooks nil))
                (set-buffer (find-file-noselect entries t)))
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (if (search-forward (format "name=\"%s\"" basename) nil t)
                  (setq found t)
                (setq found nil))
              (kill-buffer nil)))

(defun svn-text-base-path (file)
  "Return the path to the text base for FILE (a string).
If FILE is a directory or not under revision control, return nil."
   ((not (svn-controlled-path-p file)) nil)
   ((file-directory-p file)            nil)
    (let* ((pdir (file-name-directory file))
           (base (file-name-nondirectory file)))
      (format "%s%s/text-base/%s.svn-base" (or pdir "") svn-adm-area base)))))

(defun svn-ediff (file)
  "Ediff FILE against its text base."
  (interactive "fsvn ediff: ")
  (let ((tb (svn-text-base-path file)))
    (if (not tb)
        (error "No text base for %s" file)
      (ediff-files file tb))))

(defun svn-find-file-hook ()
  "Function for find-file-hooks.
Inhibit backup files unless `vc-make-backup-files' is non-nil."
  (if (svn-controlled-path-p (buffer-file-name))
        (if (string-match "XEMACS\\|XEmacs\\|xemacs" emacs-version)
            (vc-load-vc-hooks)) ; for `vc-make-backup-files'
        (unless vc-make-backup-files
          (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited)
          (setq backup-inhibited t)))))

(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'svn-find-file-hook)

;; Helper for referring to issue numbers in a user-friendly way.
(defun svn-bug-url (n)
  "Insert the url for Subversion issue number N.  Interactively, prompt for N."
  (interactive "nSubversion issue number: ")
  (insert (format "http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=%d"; n)))

;;; Subversion C conventions
(if (eq major-mode 'c-mode)
      (c-add-style "svn" '("gnu" (c-offsets-alist . ((inextern-lang . 0)))))
      (c-set-style "svn")))
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq angry-mob-with-torches-and-pitchforks t)

;; Subversion Python conventions, plus some harmless helpers for
;; people who don't have python mode set up by default.
(autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" nil t)
(or (assoc "\\.py$" auto-mode-alist)
    (setq auto-mode-alist
          (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist)))

(defun svn-python-mode-hook ()
  "Set up the Subversion python conventions.  The effect of this is
local to the current buffer, which is presumably visiting a file in
the Subversion project.  Python setup in other buffers will not be
  (when (string-match "/subversion/" (buffer-file-name))
    (make-local-variable 'py-indent-offset)
    (setq py-indent-offset 2)
    (make-local-variable 'py-smart-indentation)
    (setq py-smart-indentation nil)))

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'svn-python-mode-hook)

;; Much of the APR documentation is embedded perldoc format.  The
;; perldoc program itself sucks, however.  If you're the author of
;; perldoc, I'm sorry, but what were you thinking?  Don't you know
;; that there are people in the world who don't work in vt100
;; terminals?  If I want to view a perldoc page in my Emacs shell
;; buffer, I have to run the ridiculous command
;;   $ PAGER=cat perldoc -t target_file
;; (Not that this was documented anywhere, I had to figure it out for
;; myself by reading /usr/bin/perldoc).
;; Non-paging behavior should be a standard command-line option.  No
;; program that can output text should *ever* insist on invoking the
;; pager.
;; Anyway, these Emacs commands will solve the problem for us.
;; Acknowledgements:
;; Much of this code is copied from man.el in the FSF Emacs 21.x
;; sources.

(defcustom svn-perldoc-overstrike-face 'bold
  "*Face to use when fontifying overstrike."
  :type 'face
  :group 'svn-dev)

(defcustom svn-perldoc-underline-face 'underline
  "*Face to use when fontifying underlining."
  :type 'face
  :group 'svn-dev)

(defun svn-perldoc-softhyphen-to-minus ()
  ;; \255 is some kind of dash in Latin-N.  Versions of Debian man, at
  ;; least, emit it even when not in a Latin-N locale.
  (unless (eq t (compare-strings "latin-" 0 nil
                                 current-language-environment 0 6 t))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((str "\255"))
      (if enable-multibyte-characters
          (setq str (string-as-multibyte str)))
      (while (search-forward str nil t) (replace-match "-")))))

(defun svn-perldoc-fontify-buffer ()
  "Convert overstriking and underlining to the correct fonts.
Same for the ANSI bold and normal escape sequences."
  (message "Please wait, making up the page...")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\e[1m" nil t)
    (delete-backward-char 4)
    (put-text-property (point)
                       (progn (if (search-forward "\e[0m" nil 'move)
                                  (delete-backward-char 4))
                       'face svn-perldoc-overstrike-face))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "_\b" nil t)
    (backward-delete-char 2)
    (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'face svn-perldoc-underline-face))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\b_" nil t)
    (backward-delete-char 2)
    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face svn-perldoc-underline-face))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "\\(.\\)\\(\b\\1\\)+" nil t)
    (replace-match "\\1")
    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face svn-perldoc-overstrike-face))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "o\b\\+\\|\\+\bo" nil t)
    (replace-match "o")
    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face 'bold))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "[-|]\\(\b[-|]\\)+" nil t)
    (replace-match "+")
    (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'face 'bold))
  (message "Please wait, making up the page...done"))

(defun svn-perldoc-cleanup-buffer ()
  "Remove overstriking and underlining from the current buffer."
  (message "Please wait, cleaning up the page...")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward "_\b" nil t) (backward-delete-char 2))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward "\b_" nil t) (backward-delete-char 2))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "\\(.\\)\\(\b\\1\\)+" nil t) 
      (replace-match "\\1"))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "\e\\[[0-9]+m" nil t) (replace-match ""))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "o\b\\+\\|\\+\bo" nil t) (replace-match "o"))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "" nil t) (replace-match " ")))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "[-|]\\(\b[-|]\\)+" nil t) (replace-match "+"))
  (message "Please wait, cleaning up the page...done"))

;; Entry point to svn-perldoc functionality.
(defun svn-perldoc (file)
  "Run perldoc on FILE, display the output in a buffer."
  (interactive "fRun perldoc on file: ")
  (let ((outbuf (get-buffer-create 
                 (format "*%s PerlDoc*" (file-name-nondirectory file))))
        (savepg (getenv "PAGER")))
    (setenv "PAGER" "cat")  ;; for perldoc
      (set-buffer outbuf)
      (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
      (call-process "perldoc" nil outbuf nil (expand-file-name file))
      ;; Clean out the inevitable leading dead space.
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward "[^ \i\n]")
      (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
    (setenv "PAGER" savepg)
    (display-buffer outbuf)))

;;; Help developers write log messages.

;; How to use this: just run `svn-log-message'.  You might want to
;; bind it to a key, for example,
;;   (define-key "\C-cl" 'svn-log-message)
;; The log message will accumulate in a file.  Later, you can use
;; that file when you commit:
;;   $ svn ci -F msg ...

(defun svn-log-path-derive (path)
  "Derive a relative directory path for absolute PATH, for a log entry."
    (let ((base (file-name-nondirectory path))
          (chop-spot (string-match
      (if chop-spot
            (setq path (substring path (match-end 0)))
            ;; Kluge for Subversion developers.
            (if (string-match "subversion/subversion" path)
                (substring path (+ (match-beginning 0) 11))
        (string-match (expand-file-name "~/") path)
        (substring path (match-end 0))))))

(defun svn-log-message-file ()
  "Return the name of the appropriate log message accumulation file.
Usually this is just the file `msg' in the current directory, but
certain areas are treated specially, for example, the Subversion
source tree."
    (if (string-match "subversion" default-directory)
        (concat (substring default-directory 0 (match-end 0)) "/msg")

(defun svn-log-message (short-file-names)
  "Add to an in-progress log message, based on context around point.
If prefix arg SHORT-FILE-NAMES is non-nil, then use basenames only in
log messages, otherwise use full paths.  The current defun name is
always used.

If the log message already contains material about this defun, then put
point there, so adding to that material is easy.

Else if the log message already contains material about this file, put
point there, and push onto the kill ring the defun name with log
message dressing around it, plus the raw defun name, so yank and
yank-next are both useful.

Else if there is no material about this defun nor file anywhere in the
log message, then put point at the end of the message and insert a new
entry for file with defun.

See also the function `svn-log-message-file'."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((this-file (if short-file-names
                       (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)
                     (svn-log-path-derive buffer-file-name)))
        (this-defun (or (add-log-current-defun)
                            (if (eq major-mode 'c-mode)
                                  (search-forward "(" nil t)
                                  (forward-char -1)
                                  (forward-sexp -1)
                                   (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))))))
        (log-file (svn-log-message-file)))
    (find-file log-file)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    ;; Strip text properties from strings
    (set-text-properties 0 (length this-file) nil this-file)
    (set-text-properties 0 (length this-defun) nil this-defun)
    ;; If log message for defun already in progress, add to it
    (if (and
         this-defun                        ;; we have a defun to work with
         (search-forward this-defun nil t) ;; it's in the log msg already
         (save-excursion                   ;; and it's about the same file
             (if (re-search-backward  ; Ick, I want a real filename regexp!
                  "^\\*\\s-+\\(address@hidden/%!?(){}<>]+\\)" nil t)
                 (string-equal (match-string 1) this-file)
        (if (re-search-forward ":" nil t)
            (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))
      ;; Else no log message for this defun in progress...
      (goto-char (point-min))
      ;; But if log message for file already in progress, add to it.
      (if (search-forward this-file nil t)
            (if this-defun (progn
                             (kill-new (format "(%s): " this-defun))
                             (kill-new this-defun)))
            (search-forward ")" nil t)
            (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))
        ;; Found neither defun nor its file, so create new entry.
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (if (not (bolp)) (insert "\n"))
        (insert (format "\n* %s (%s): " this-file (or this-defun "")))
        ;; Finally, if no derived defun, put point where the user can
        ;; type it themselves.
        (if (not this-defun) (forward-char -3))))))

(message "loaded svn-dev.el")

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