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Re: What's the problem?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: What's the problem?
Date: 14 Dec 2003 08:17:15 +0200

> From: David Kastrup <address@hidden>
> Date: 13 Dec 2003 18:35:22 +0100
> It would also be an idea, if one has a redisplay thread, to let it
> associate mouse clicks with objects under it at the time of the click.
> People rarely expect, when they click in the text area while Emacs is
> busy, that half an hour later a menu pops up with a button "Really
> self-destruct?" which happens to be right on the location where the
> click had been half an hour ago, that this menu/text position etc will
> be satisfied with the click from olden times.

I think, with a separate thread, such cases will be less probable,
actually, since the redisplay will have more chance to catch up with
the rest of Emacs than it is now.

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