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Re: address@hidden: RE: weird defadvice bug with byte-compilation]

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: Re: address@hidden: RE: weird defadvice bug with byte-compilation]
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 13:55:12 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

> Would someone please investigate this bug, and ack?
> It needs to be debugged for the release.

I can't seem to reproduce this on GNU/Linux.  It may be a Windows-only
bug (unless it's been fixed already).

> From: "Drew Adams" <address@hidden>
>     File 1: foo.el
>     --------------
>     (defvar mymap nil "")
>     (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "II")))
>       (setq mymap (make-sparse-keymap))
>       (define-key menu-bar-search-menu [ise]  '("" . ise))
>       (put 'ise 'menu-enable '(and my-mode))
>       (push (cons 'my-mode mymap) minor-mode-map-alist))
>     (defadvice next-history-element (after ffff activate) "" my-mode)
>     (provide 'foo)
>     File 2: bar.el
>     --------------
>     (defconst special-display-regexps '("[ ]?[*][^*]+[*]"))
>     (defvar drews-lisp-dir "C:\\drews-lisp-20" "")
>     (setq load-path (append (list drews-lisp-dir) load-path))
>     (defadvice occur-mode-goto-occurrence
>       (around jjjjjj activate compile)
>       ""
>       ad-do-it)
>     (require 'foo)
>     Instructions:
>     -------------
>     1. emacs -q
>     2. Byte-compile foo.el (it doesn't matter if it's compiled on Emacs 20
>        or 22). `C-x C-c'.
>     3. emacs -q    (Emacs 22)
>     4. Visit bar.el - don't load it.
>     5. Select everything in bar.el except the (require 'foo), and
>     do `eval-region'.
>     6. Put the cursor just after the (require 'foo) and do `C-x
>     C-e'. (Don't select it and do eval-region - that doesn't
>     produce the bug!)
>     7. `C-x C-c'
>     You will get a pop-up message with Yes/No buttons that says this:
>     Emacs Abort Dialog
>     "A fatal error has occurred! Would you like to attach a
>     debugger? Select YES to debu, NO to abort Emacs"

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