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Re: Documentation for car and cdr

From: Jose E. Marchesi
Subject: Re: Documentation for car and cdr
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 23:29:37 +0100

        +----+   +----+
        |    |   |    |
        |    v   v    |
        |  +---+---+  |
        |  |   |   +--+
        |  +-+-+---+
        |    |
    (let ((print-circle t)
           (cons-cell (cons nil nil)))
       (setcar cons-cell cons-cell)
       (setcdr cons-cell cons-cell)
       cons-cell) ==>
    (#0 . #0)
    If the symbol nil had such a value, (eq nil 'nil) would not be true.



José E. Marchesi  <address@hidden>

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