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FW: Make a simple search in an info file.

From: Drew Adams
Subject: FW: Make a simple search in an info file.
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:06:35 -0800

  To: address@hidden
  I've a  strong desire those days:  make a _simple_  search within an
  info file or in outline-mode.

  For  example,  open  the  Elisp  manual,  and  search  for  «  local
  variables:  ». Isearch  will then  go to  every _references_  to the
  section  Local Variables,  and  not  to every  actual  match of  the
  search (_with_ the `:' ).

  It's because the search is made on the real text, that's to say, the
  whole  text  without hidden  things.  Here,  references  on «  Local
  Varibles » are of the form  « Local Variables: definition of thing »
  but just shown as « Local Variables » ; that explains the match.

  It's like in outline mode when some hidden subtrees are hidden: when
  a search is made, Isearch also searches in the hidden text.
  Can I param Isearch to make the search on the literal shown text ?

What version of Emacs are you using?

This problem has, I think, been fixed more than once (;-)) for Emacs 22,
since it has shown its head in several places, including File, Next in the
header and Note, Menu in body text. I don't know if Local Variables has also
been fixed. CCing emacs-devel.

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