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Re: Info tutorial is out of date

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: Info tutorial is out of date
Date: 16 Jul 2006 14:44:50 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

"Drew Adams" <address@hidden> writes:

> 4. The reaction to my post from 3 people who don't use a mouse was all
> about *them*, not about the target tutorial community. It was all
> about their own anti-mousing, and ~zero about the ideas in my post for
> improving the tutorial. IOW, their own anti-mouse button got pushed
> somehow, and any real debate on the ideas I raised was drowned.

i am not anti-mouse for myself bereft of empathy for the newbie
(although i realize that such feeling can never be accurately
transmitted via email).

IME, taking a mouse-is-irrelevant approach in a tutorial is like "tough
love"; i have successfully coached people on info (and emacs) usage w/
the preface "leave the mouse alone for now -- you might need it later
but probably less than you'd think".  maybe i was just lucky.

> You missed the point - it's about *what Info is about*, and it's not
> about `n', `p', `u', and `d'. It's about finding information. The
> easiest and quickest way we can bring newbies to the real information
> is what we should aim for. Teaching `n' etc. up front is a wasteful
> distraction from the real goal.

everything is wasteful distraction.  @xref{life}, @ref{entropy}.

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