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comment-indent and tail comments

From: Yoni Rabkin Katzenell
Subject: comment-indent and tail comments
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:35:53 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I'm using GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d
scroll bars) of 2006-07-23 on ardbeg.

I've noticed that sometimes indenting a region of Lisp code will modify
the buffer (as seen by the ** in the mode line) without actually
changing the contents of the buffer.

After looking at it I got to Line 604 in the function `comment-indent'
which is defined in the file "newcomment.el". Line 604 runs
`delete-region', which modifies the buffer and then runs `indent-to'
which intents to the exact same place as the comment was before.

This only happens with tail comments positioned after a certain column.

I arrived at this conclusion by changing `comment-indent' so that it
would modify the buffer only if the indentation would actually modify
the line in question.

Here is the "instrumented" version of `comment-indent', which I used to
find the problem, the seemingly problematic part starts at "(unless (=
(current-column) indent)", most of the way down the function:

(defun comment-indent (&optional continue)
  "Indent this line's comment to `comment-column', or insert an empty comment.
If CONTINUE is non-nil, use the `comment-continue' markers if any."
  (interactive "*")
  (let* ((empty (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
                                (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
         (before 0)
         (after 0)
         (isolate "")
         (starter (or (and continue comment-continue)
                      (and empty block-comment-start) comment-start))
         (ender (or (and continue comment-continue "")
                    (and empty block-comment-end) comment-end)))
    (unless starter (error "No comment syntax defined"))
    (let* ((eolpos (line-end-position))
           (begpos (comment-search-forward eolpos t))
           cpos indent)
      ;; An existing comment?
      (if begpos
            (if (and (not (looking-at "[\t\n ]"))
                     (looking-at comment-end-skip))
                ;; The comment is empty and we have skipped all its space
                ;; and landed right before the comment-ender:
                ;; Go back to the middle of the space.
                (forward-char (/ (skip-chars-backward " \t") -2)))
            (setq cpos (point-marker)))
        ;; If none, insert one.
        (if comment-insert-comment-function
            (funcall comment-insert-comment-function)
            ;; Some `comment-indent-function's insist on not moving
            ;; comments that are in column 0, so we first go to the
            ;; likely target column.
            (indent-to comment-column)
            ;; Ensure there's a space before the comment for things
            ;; like sh where it matters (as well as being neater).
            (unless (memq (char-before) '(nil ?\n ?\t ?\ ))
              (insert ?\ ))
            (setq begpos (point))
            (insert starter)
            (setq cpos (point-marker))
            (insert ender))))
      (goto-char begpos)
      ;; Compute desired indent.
      (setq indent (save-excursion (funcall comment-indent-function)))
      ;; If `indent' is nil and there's code before the comment, we can't
      ;; use `indent-according-to-mode', so we default to comment-column.
      (unless (or indent (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp)))
        (setq indent comment-column))
      (if (not indent)
          ;; comment-indent-function refuses: delegate to line-indent.
        ;; If the comment is at the left of code, adjust the indentation.
        (unless (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp))
          ;; Avoid moving comments past the fill-column.
          (let ((max (+ (current-column)
                        (- (or comment-fill-column fill-column)
                           (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))))))
            (if (<= max indent)
                (setq indent max)    ;Don't move past the fill column.
              ;; We can choose anywhere between indent..max.
              ;; Let's try to align to a comment on the previous line.
              (let ((other nil)
                    (min (max indent
                              (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t")
                                              (1+ (current-column))))))
                  (when (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
                             (setq other (comment-search-forward
                                          (line-end-position) t)))
                    (goto-char other) (setq other (current-column))))
                (if (and other (<= other max) (>= other min))
                    ;; There is a comment and it's in the range: bingo.
                    (setq indent other)
                  ;; Let's try to align to a comment on the next line, then.
                  (let ((other nil))
                      (when (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
                                 (setq other (comment-search-forward
                                              (line-end-position) t)))
                        (goto-char other) (setq other (current-column))))
                    (if (and other (<= other max) (> other min))
                        ;; There is a comment and it's in the range: bingo.
                        (setq indent other))))))))
        (unless (= (current-column) indent)
          ;; If that's different from current, change it.
          ;; since this line is not like the one before or after it,
          ;; we can deal with it in isolation.
          (setq before (current-column))
            (setq isolate 
                  (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
            (insert isolate)
            (goto-char before)
            (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point)))
            (indent-to (if (bolp) indent
                         (max indent (1+ (current-column)))))
            (setq after (current-column))
            (setq isolate
                  (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
          (when (not (= before after))
            (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point)))
            (indent-to (if (bolp) indent
                         (max indent (1+ (current-column))))))))
      (goto-char cpos)
      (set-marker cpos nil))))

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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