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Re: Emacs (cvs) hangs on startup on remote X server (UTF8, xfs)

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: Emacs (cvs) hangs on startup on remote X server (UTF8, xfs)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:31:33 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060808)

Peter Whaite skrev:
Jan Djärv <address@hidden> wrote:
Peter Whaite skrev:
Here's the setup.  I have two machines: one running a GNU/Linux Fedora
FC5 system, and another running W2K with an "oldish" commercial X-win32
server.  Ping times between the two systems are sub millisecond.

When I start 'emacs -Q' on the GNU/Linux box with DISPLAY=:0.0 the emacs
window appears without delay.

However when I start 'emacs -Q' on the GNU/Linux box with
DISPLAY= (the W2k box) it hangs. No emacs window appears
until I generate an X event on the X-win32-5.3 server, e.g. by moving the
mouse, pressing the ctrl key, etc.

It doesn't hang all the time, maybe because there are sometimes
pending xevents in the queue?

It never happens if another emacs is already running.
It sounds like a bug in your w32 server.  Does this happen only with
Emacs or can you see it with any other X client, like xterm?

Just emacs.

Can you first start an xterm on GNU/Linux and then Emacs?  Does it
happen then?


It sounds like your w32 server doesn't flush the out queue of the
first remote client properly.

It has to do with me switching over to LANG=en_CA.UTF-8, and that the
iso10646 fonts are being served by xfs on the GNU/Linux box.  From an
xterm (client on GNU/Linux, either Xserver, tripe is the w32 host)

   DISPLAY=tripe:0.0 LANG=en_CA emacs -Q         # No problem
   DISPLAY=tripe:0.0 LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 emacs -Q   # Hangs

How about:
DISPLAY=tripe:0.0 LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 xterm -fn fixed

DISPLAY=tripe:0.0 LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 emacs -Q -fn lucidasanstypewriter-12

Or if I take the xfs off the w32 X server's font list then

   DISPLAY=tripe:0.0 LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 emacs -Q   # No problem

I am using 'emacs*font: fixed' for my .Xdefaults.

Where is xfs in the fontlist? Is it before anything else? Do you see any messages in syslog (you may have to enable use-syslog in the xfs config file and restart xfs)?

        Jan D.

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