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Re: highlight failed part of isearch input

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: highlight failed part of isearch input
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:55:19 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

> Personally, I disagree about the color, at least for a light background with
> unlimited colors available - it is too vivid (bright, saturated, loud). For
> that, Plum or some other pastel is a better default, IMO.

Plum is too washed-out and weak color to indicate the error.

> It's important to not only notice the failure but also easily read the
> text that is highlighted.

The failed search string on IndianRed1 is quite readable on a light
background as well as on a dark background.

> For a dark background, the color should presumably be quite dark, not
> bright.
> Also, I think it should specify a foreground color by default, for the case
> where someone uses a different foreground color for a standalone minibuffer.

I think it is better to use the default foreground color, and if it is
unreadable then the user can customize it to some other color that fits
to user's color theme.

> How about something like this? The default color here for a dark background
> is the complement of Plum (a light violet): a dark green. You certainly
> don't want something like IndianRed1 or Plum on a dark background, I expect.

I'm not against selecting a more suitable color on a dark background,
but a dark green definitely doesn't fit semantically and is unnoticeable.

> BTW - I'm no expert on face specs, but isn't your duplication of the red
> spec for (min-colors 8) and (min-colors 16) redundant? Doesn't (min-colors
> 8), as shown above, take care of both?

I don't know a reason for this duplication.  I took the definition from
the `isearch' face that has this duplication.

Juri Linkov

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