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Re: 23.0.60; Indic Script is not rendered properly

From: Ashish Shukla आशीष श ुक्ल
Subject: Re: 23.0.60; Indic Script is not rendered properly
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 13:27:53 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> Kenichi Handa writes:
    Kenichi> In article <address@hidden>, Ashish Shukla <address@hidden> writes:

    >> In typing the text like "शुक्ल", I get this bug.
    >> Following is the URL of screenshot of what I'm getting currently:
    >> http://flickr.com/photos/wahjava/2525377097/

    >> An earlier version of Emacs CVS used to render that correctly, as
    >> shown in the following URL of screenshot:
    >> http://flickr.com/photos/wahjava/2488290981/

    Kenichi> Please use C-u C-x = on a devanagari character to check
    Kenichi> which font is used for it.

I typed characters क्ल and placed cursor on them, and then did C-u C-x =,
and following is the output.

        character: क (2325, #o4425, #x915)
preferred charset: unicode (Unicode (ISO10646))
       code point: 0x0915
           syntax: w    which means: word
         category: i:Indian
         to input: type "ka" with devanagari-itrans
      buffer code: #xE0 #xA4 #x95
        file code: #xE0 #xA4 #x95
                   (encoded by coding system utf-8-unix)
                   composed to form "क्ल" (see below)

Composed with the following character(s) "्ल" using this font:
by these glyphs:
"-unknown-FreeSans-normal-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1"> 17 -2 9 8 4]
  [0 2 2325 1210 9 9 0 8 1 nil]
  [0 2 2381 1265 0 -8 -11 0 3 [-3 -1 0]]
  [0 2 2354 1239 8 8 0 8 1 nil]

Character code properties are not shown: customize what to show

There are text properties here:
  auto-composed        t
  composition          [Show]
  fontified            t

Now I got that Emacs is using FreeSans font to render Devanagari
characters which is not expected, so I modified fontset-default to use
"Lohit Hindi-10" Xft font using following Elisp code:

(set-fontset-font "fontset-default"
(cons (decode-char 'ucs ?\x0900)
(decode-char 'ucs ?\x097f))
"Lohit Hindi-10")

And typed characters शुक्ल, and this time text got rendered perfectly and
following is the output of C-u C-x = on the text.

        character: क (2325, #o4425, #x915)
preferred charset: unicode (Unicode (ISO10646))
       code point: 0x0915
           syntax: w    which means: word
         category: i:Indian
      buffer code: #xE0 #xA4 #x95
        file code: #xE0 #xA4 #x95 (encoded by coding system utf-8-emacs)
          display: composed to form "क्ल" (see below)

Composed with the following character(s) "्ल" using this font:
  -unknown-Lohit Hindi-normal-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-0-*-*
by these glyphs:
  [#<font-object "-unknown-Lohit 
Hindi-normal-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-0-*-*"> 16 8 7 8 0]
  [0 2 0 179 7 8 0 8 0 nil]
  [0 2 2354 65 9 9 0 8 0 nil]

Character code properties are not shown: customize what to show

There are text properties here:
  auto-composed        t
  composition          [Show]
  fontified            t

So I guess this is the font issue, that Emacs is not able to figure out
which font to use. For the moment, I added that LISP code in my .emacs,
but is this the proper fix for this issue ? Or, I've to change something
in fonts.conf or any such font-related configuration, hmmm..?

    Kenichi> And also, if you know how to use gdb, please set break point
    Kenichi> on Ffont_shape_text, and check why shaping doesn't work.

Okay, I know how to use gdb, but how do I know if shaping is working or
not, hmm...?

    Kenichi> ---
    Kenichi> Kenichi Handa
    Kenichi> address@hidden

Thanks for the help :) .
Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल                      http://wahjava.wordpress.com/
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