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Re: Release plans

From: Johannes Weiner
Subject: Re: Release plans
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:31:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

"Alfred M. Szmidt" <address@hidden> writes:

>    You always assume people are stupid.  Please don't do that, it
>    really offends me.
> I have no idea where you got that from.  I never made such an
> assumption, I am quite naive when it comes to people, and think the
> best of them.

By saying the user is subjugated you place him under disability.  It's
not that someone would coerce you with death threats into using a
proprietary module for Emacs if it did support loading these things.

>    Some people are annoyed by the transient mark, some are not.  Even
>    if all maintainers would find that feature annoying, it would be a
>    good thing to have it anyway for some people might find it useful.
> TTM doesn't have the side effect of alllowing someone to subjugate the
> rights of a user, loadable modules do.  

Again, the user has the right to choose.  As I said, you might forbid
cars with the same argument, i.e. it could be harmful to the user.

Your basic assumption is that if someone writes non-free software, the
user would be totally helpless and enslaved by the author.  This is not
true!  The person would be in a position she chose to be in BY FREE


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