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Re: order of manuals in Info...

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: order of manuals in Info...
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 05:40:50 +0200

> From: "Drew Adams" <address@hidden>
> Cc: <address@hidden>
> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 14:52:41 -0800
> > > 1. What is the ordering scheme used in emacs -Q for the 
> > >    Info manuals?
> > 
> > They are ordered by (loose) topics, with the "main" manuals first.
> No problem with that.
> But what are the "main" manuals, besides the five I mentioned:
> Info, Emacs, Emacs FAQ, Emacs Lisp Intro, and Elisp?


> The question was about the order of those manuals that follow the five main
> manuals I mentioned. What's the rationale?

There are only 4 groups of manuals after these 5: Editing modes,
Network features, Misc features, and Lisp libraries.  Inside each
group, the manuals are ordered in alphabetic order.  Editing modes is
first for obvious (I hope) reasons; Networking is before Misc for
likewise obvious reasons ("misc" should always be last); and libraries
are mainly for Lisp programmers, so they are last.

> Do you think the current order is the best one?
> Is there room for improvement?

There's always room for improvement, but I think the current order is
fine, and I think there are much more important problems to work on
now to help Emacs 23 be released sooner rather than later.

> And what about question #2: shortening the long lines?

Why is this so important? shorter description lose information.  I
think the current descriptions strike a reasonably good balance.

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