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C-j considered harmful (not really)

From: Per Starbäck
Subject: C-j considered harmful (not really)
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:37:34 +0100

2009/11/16 Per Starbäck <address@hidden>:
> 2009/11/16 David De La Harpe Golden <address@hidden>:

>> So, ^I for TAB, ^H for backspace, ^[ for escape etc.
> Sure, but I don't like that to be prerequisite knowledge for using Emacs.

Which brings me to another point. There is at least one such
correspondence that Emacs
users are supposed to know about, that I think is unnecessary, and
that is C-j = LF = \n.
That is used for example in I-search and in arguments to query-replace etc.

I would like some alternative way to enter newline in arguments,
something having to
do with <return> since that's the key actually associated with "new
line" for all
those you don't know their ASCII.

That key should be used in I-search with the same meaning as C-j has
now, and should
be possible to use instead of C-q C-j to enter a newline in minibuffer
input. Maybe
<C-return> could be used for this?

Then this would be an alternative just for people with window systems,
but I think people
who would benefit from this almost always have a window system anyway.

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