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Re: Strange message from "bzr pull"

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Strange message from "bzr pull"
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 22:16:42 +0200

> From: Óscar_Fuentes <address@hidden>
> Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 20:28:32 +0100
> BzrForEmacsDevs is not simple enough for people who have CVS
> incorporated into their DNA. IMHO it lacks some clear explanation of the
> new concepts (revisions, branches, merges, histories, divergence, etc)
> so they can figure out what's going on, see most of the new
> possibilities and ask to the "gurus" for advice using a discernible
> language when they cannot decide among several options. Using a new
> workflow without a sufficient understanding of the basic concepts may
> cause mistakes and frustration.

But the basic concepts are common, more or less, to all modern VCSs.
Revisions, branches, merges, histories -- all these exist even with
CVS, and anyone who worked with a VCS in an organization probably
knows what rebase and deliver mean already.  What other concepts are
new whose lack of understanding can prevent me from considering the
pros and cons and cause me mistakes that will frustrate me?  Mistakes
can be done even with RCS, you know.

> Maybe a pointer to some generic introduction to DVCS plus a
> description of how Bazaar implements it would be okay (I don't know
> any such decent introduction specific for Bazaar, though.)

Whatever pointers you do have, please post them, even if they are not
specific to Bazaar.  Thanks.

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