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command transaction queue

From: joakim
Subject: command transaction queue
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:39:49 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.90 (gnu/linux)

I made a command queue for an application I have.  Its a scanner
frontend which generates a lot of images fairly quickly. Each image
shall then be postprocessed with a number of steps, in sequence.

It is very useful for my particular problem(or maybe I ignored some
glaringly obvious already existing solution). I was thinking maybe it
could be more generaly useful to others. If so, I might make it a bit
more general etc. I'll just toss it out there and see what happens...

;; (C) FSF 2010, Joakim Verona, part of the emsane package

;;I want some form of process queue because:
;; - tramp gets swamped with lots of async calls
;; - some postops are slow, and hundreds of them cant be expected to run in 
;; emsane was used for a long time withouth a queue, but it put constraints on 
what could be done

;; it wouldve been nice if i didnt have to write it, but i didnt find anything.
;; i fully expect to be pointed to something glaringly obviously already 
existing once
;; i publish the code.

;; TODO I want scan-job postprocessing also, for book-level ocr for 
instance(with ocropus)

;;;tentative stuff

;; - operation  base class
;; - transaction class(a list of operations)
;; - queue class(a list of transactions, a result slot)

;;when a image is finished scanned, a new transaction is created, and the image 
pushed on the transaction result slot
;;the section definition pushes a bunch of ops on the tx
;;maybe someone else also pushes a op(the preset? scanner?)
;;the tx is pushed on the queue
;;the queue is event driven, these are events:
;; - pushing a tx on the queue
;; - an emacs op finishes
;; - a shell op finishes
;;if any op ina tx fails, the entire tx fails, otoh other txes are unafected
;;the workdir is set on the post op buffer, so will work with tramp
;;there is a set workdir op, so different scan jobs wont trahs each other

;;transactions are  independent, so they could in principle be executed in 
;;however, as designed, the queue will only do transactions in sequence
;;futureish is supporting several queues, then psuhing transactions round robin 
on them

;;its possible to define many queues, but not right now
;;a queue is connected to 1 postop buf
;;emsane-postop-next-op pops an op from the current tx, and executes it
;;emsane-postop-push-op pushes op on tx

;;an op ought to be able to provide environment modifiers, such as changing the 
flags for the scanner
;; the use-case for this is for instance a dust-detector that needs the scanner 
to scan a little bit more than
;; the actual document. the op will then split the img in 2 parts, one actual 
image, and one part used for dust detection.

(provide 'emsane-postop)

(defclass emsane-postop-operation ()
  "base class for post operations for image scans")

(defclass emsane-postop-lisp-operation (emsane-postop-operation)
  ((operation-lambda :initarg :operation-lambda
                     :documentation "a lambda of the form (lambda (transaction) 
  "A lisp image file operation. for instance for renaming files.")

(defclass emsane-postop-simple-shell-operation (emsane-postop-operation)
  ((operation-shell-command :initarg :operation-shell-command
                            :documentation "a simple string to be evaluated by 
a shell"))
  "a simple file operation done with a shell command")

(defclass emsane-postop-fifo ()
  ((fifo :initarg :fifo
         :initform '()
         :documentation "a fifo"))
  "base class for queue and transaction")

(defclass emsane-postop-queue (emsane-postop-fifo)
  ((process-buffer :initarg :process-buffer)
   (continue-go-loop :initarg  :continue-go-loop :initform t
                     :documentation "flag setable by subprocess, to indicate 
   (default-directory :initarg :default-directory :initform default-directory
     :documentation "subproces default dir")
   (state :initarg :state :initform nil
          :documentation  "nil if ok, otherwise an object indicating some 
   (error-hooks :initarg :error-hooks :initform nil
                :documentation "hooks to run in the event of a transaction 
  "a list of transactions to be performed")

(defmethod emsane-postop-exec ((this emsane-postop-lisp-operation) tx q)
  "execute lisp operation"
      ((default-directory  (oref q default-directory)))
    (funcall (oref this :operation-lambda) tx q)))

(defmethod emsane-postop-exec ((this emsane-postop-simple-shell-operation) tx q)
  "execute shell operation"
      ((default-directory  (oref q default-directory))
       (cmd (oref this operation-shell-command))
       (proc-buf  (oref q :process-buffer))
       (process-environment (emsane-plist2env (oref tx :environment)))
       (post-process (start-file-process-shell-command
    (set-process-sentinel post-process 'emsane-postop-sentinel)
    (process-put post-process 'queue q)
      (set-buffer proc-buf)
      (insert (format "postprocessing:%s env:%s\n" cmd (emsane-plist2env (oref 
tx environment))))
    (oset q :continue-go-loop nil)))

(defun emsane-plist2env (plist)
  "convert a plist to the env var format used by process-environment"
      ((env '()))
    (while plist
      (setq env (append env (list (format "%s=%s" (first plist) (second 
      (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))

(defun emsane-postop-sentinel (process result)
  "called when an image shell postop finishes"
      ((queue (process-get process 'queue)))
    (unless (= 0 (process-exit-status process))
      (emsane-postop-signal-error queue result))
    (emsane-postop-finish-shell-operation queue)
    (emsane-postop-go queue);;now continue processing queue transations

(defmethod emsane-postop-signal-error ((this emsane-postop-queue) result)
  "error handler"
  ;;TODO better error handler, inhibit further queue opperations, stop scanning!
  ;;TODO call hooks, client should know about error(shut down scanner processes 
in this case)
  (oset queue :state result)
  (mapcar #'funcall (oref queue :error-hooks));;using run-hooks turned out not 
so good here
  (error "Non 0 return code from postop. This is bad. Stopping. result:%s" 

(defmethod emsane-postop-push ((this emsane-postop-fifo) object)
  "push object on fifo"
  (oset this :fifo
        (cons object   (oref this :fifo))))

(defmethod emsane-postop-pop ((this emsane-postop-fifo))
  "pop object from fifo"
      ((rv (car (oref this :fifo))))
    (oset this :fifo
          (cdr   (oref this :fifo)))

(defmethod emsane-postop-hasnext ((this emsane-postop-fifo))
  (not (null (oref this :fifo))))

(defclass emsane-postop-transaction (emsane-postop-fifo)
  ((environment :initarg :environment
                :initform nil
                :documentation "transaction environment variables."))
  "a list of operations that must be performed together. contains environment 
operations can access")

(defmethod  emsane-postop-getenv ((this  emsane-postop-transaction) varname)
  (plist-get (oref this environment) varname))

(defmethod  emsane-postop-setenv ((this  emsane-postop-transaction) varname 
  (oset this environment (plist-put (oref this environment) varname value)))

(defmethod emsane-postop-finish-shell-operation ((this emsane-postop-queue))
  "finishup an ongoing shell operatio"
  ;;TODO hmm is this all?
  (oset this :continue-go-loop t))

(defmethod emsane-postop-donext ((this emsane-postop-queue))
  "pops an operation from the current transaction in the queue and executes it.
continue with the 1st op of the next transaction if the current transaction is 
if the queue is empty return nil."
  ;;TODO the method should always be safe to call, regardless of the queue 
state, ensure this
  ;;TODO delete the transaction if the operation fails.
  ;;should almost work, because if crash, we dont push back th eop
  (if (oref this state) (error "the queue is unwell:" (oref this state)))
  (if (emsane-postop-hasnext this)
          ((tx (emsane-postop-pop this))
           (op (emsane-postop-pop tx)))
        (if op
            (progn (emsane-postop-exec op tx this)
                   (emsane-postop-push this tx))
          (emsane-postop-donext this)))))

(defmethod emsane-postop-go ((this emsane-postop-queue))
  "start or continue executing transactions in queue."
  (if (oref this state) (error "the queue is unwell:" (oref this state)))
      ((continue-go-loop t))
    (while (and continue-go-loop (emsane-postop-hasnext this))
      (emsane-postop-donext this)
      (setq continue-go-loop (oref this :continue-go-loop)))))

Joakim Verona

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