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Re: Emacs learning curve

From: Stephen J. Turnbull
Subject: Re: Emacs learning curve
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:56:42 +0900

Teemu Likonen writes:
 > * 2010-07-18 22:00 (+0900), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > > Teemu Likonen writes:
 > >> But do we agree that using substitute-key-definition with reference
 > >> to global-map is bad and should be replaced with command remapping
 > >> (see above)?
 > >
 > > No. I think you'll find that it's not used as frequently as you think.
 > I already did "M-x rgrep" on emacs.git/lisp directory before posting
 > anything about the function.

Of course you did.  I assumed that a grep would bring up dozens.

The point is, in these things, absolute counts don't matter.  If the
count is more than a dozen, the work will be script-driven.  What
matters is what fraction of variant keybindings are done with s-k-d,
compared to those done in other ways.  Ie, what fraction of "the
problem" can be solved by deciding "s-k-d is evil".

 > > The problem is when modes bind completely different functions to the
 > > keys. If you decide to rearrange the mappings of core commands, users
 > > of such mode will lose.
 > But
 >     (define-key MAP [remap next-line] 'new-next-line)
 > is great, though.

But what does it mean?  Have you got an implementation?  Remember, the
second argument to define-key is a key sequence.  I have no problem
with overloading the definition to allow "remappable commands" there,
but I have no clue as to what semantics you are proposing because
keymaps currently have no notion of "remappable commands as keys".
The semantics I have considered are of no help.  I just ended up with
more indirection, not more functionality.  Maybe you can do better,
though -- and that would be a substantial contribution.

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