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Re: Indexed search with grep-like output

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: Re: Indexed search with grep-like output
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 14:24:49 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Lennart Borgman <address@hidden> writes:

> since I have signed papers for Emacs then my part of nXhtml is in
> order too.

Good.  Could you send an email to address@hidden stating that your
assignment should cover nXhtml, and change the copyright holder in the
copyright header to the FSF?

> I just did a quick lock to see what files there are in nXhtml that I
> have not written (or not written all of):

If the images and schema are released under free licenses, that is

If I understand your directory layout correctly, the files in nxhtml/
should be put into one single package, and the mumamo stuff in another

Everything that nxhtml/*.el strictly needs should be placed in a
separate package; let's consider those pieces some other time.  So, we
will leave out everything in alts/, related/, and most of util/ for now.
Will this work?

As for your questions about contributors:

> ** tidy-xhtml.el: From Kahlil Hodgson, with some changes by me. I do
> not know if he has signed papers.

He has not.

> ** amrita.el: Roger Mason <address@hidden>. I do not know if he has
> signed papers.


> ** csharp-mode.el: Dino Chiesa. I do not know if he has signed papers.
> (And any way this should not be seen as part of nXhtml.)


> ** flymake*.el: All these are written by me after some ideas from
> other places (mainly EmacsWiki). It implements a structure for taking
> care of flymake for different major modes. This should be moved into
> Emacs itself.

Let's consider nxhtml for now.  Please submit these changes separately.

> ** moz.el: Massimiliana Mirra. I do not know if he has signed papers.
> (And this should be coordinated with mozrepl.)

He has not.

> ** php-imenu.el: Marcel Cary. I do not know if he has signed papers.


> ** smarty-mode.el: Vincent Debout. I do not know if he has signed papers.


> ** tt-mode.el: Dave Cross. I do not know if he has signed papers.


> ** anchored-transpose.el: Originally by Rick Bielawski. I do not know
> if he has signed papers.


> ** fold-dwim.el: Peter Heslin. No idea if he has signed.

He has.

> ** http-post-simple.el: Tom Schutzer-Weissmann.


> ** powershell-mode.el: Frederic Perrin. I do not know if he has signed.


> ** rnc-mode.el: David Rosenberg. I do not know if he has signed.


> ** vline.el: Taiki Sugawara. I do not know if he has signed.


> ** zencoding.el: Chris Done. I do not know if he has signed.


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