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Re: Need help with upstream vs Debian emacs-23.4 build differences

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: Need help with upstream vs Debian emacs-23.4 build differences
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 20:44:38 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Dropping help-gnu-emacs since there is no point discussing this on two

Svante Signell wrote:

> Is cpp used to process the Makefiles, if so where to find it?

In 23.4, yes. Where to find cpp? I don't understand the question...

The latest release is 24.1, which does not use cpp. I would encourage
you to try that and not worry about 23.4.


> Another piece of information is that when replacing the dumped emacs
> from Debian with the one from the tarball, build is OK! So it seem that
> the differences are in temacs or the dumped emacs.

IIUC, Debian includes several patches to the Emacs sources.
You might start by selectively removing them.

Also, I never understood what this means:

> However, on Debian the whole source tree is copied to debian/build-?
> where ?=x,nox,lucid.

You mean;

tar zvxf emacs-23.4.tar.gz
cp -pr emacs-23.4 debian/build-x


The loaddefs difference looks like it could be an Emacs bug; but it
ought to be harmless in itself.

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