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Re: Bzr Emacs question

From: Bill Wohler
Subject: Re: Bzr Emacs question
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:50:27 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Bill Wohler <address@hidden> writes:

> I want to make an MH-E 8.3.1 release that corresponds to the Emacs 24.1
> release. I thought that I would do this:
>     bzr tag -r emacs-24.1 mh-e-8.3.1
> But then when I run the following to get the proper workspace for
> creating a release:
>     bzr up -r mh-e-8.3.1
> I get this error:
>     bzr: ERROR: branch has no revision address@hidden                        
>     bzr update --revision only works for a revision in the branch history
> What is wrong?

While I still don't understand why I got this error, I think I found a
good enough solution. The emacs-24.1 tag is set to 107781.1.251. Since
there weren't any MH-E changes on the 107781.1 branch of note, I set the
mh-e-8.3.1 tag to its base version of 107781. I was then able to get a
workspace that was close enough to the Emacs 24.1 release for my needs.

Thanks again, Eli!

Bill Wohler <address@hidden> aka <address@hidden>

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