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Re: Emacs user conference

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: Re: Emacs user conference
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2012 00:03:14 +0000

Nic Ferrier wrote:
>> My understanding is that the guy who started the emacsconf.herokuapp.com
>> IS planning to do a conference in London in March/April time.

address@hidden replied:

> That would be nice! Anyway, I wouldnt be able to put in much in the way
> of planning, so if a better organizer can find us a locale, that is
> probably for the best. (or I can ask our admin to help us, they are
> proficient at that sort of thing)

well, as I say. It would be annoying if there were 2 at the same time.

He *is* working on it. He has a venue. He has speakers (the emacsconf
heroku app was setup by him).

So I think you should maybe let him get on with it?

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