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Re: Network Manager

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: Network Manager
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 17:08:22 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Ian D <address@hidden> writes:

>            2. The documentation I've been using for NetworkManager is
>            for version, and in the NEWS file (and before anyone
>            asks, I already checked the ChangeLog in the source I have)
>            in the source code, I found that they indeed added
>            RequestScan to NetworkManager in version 0.9.6.  The specific
>            entry is "* Add on-demand WiFi scan support".  I will see
>            what if there is anything I can do about this, although it
>            seems like there isn't much.  However, 0.9.6 is the next
>            version after 0.9.4, so I assume that the update will find
>            its way to other distros soon.

On another machine, running NetworkManager, I get

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integerp 
  (let ((ap (nth id enwc-access-points)) ret) (setq ret (dbus-get-property 
:system enwc-nm-dbus-service ap enwc-nm-dbus-accesspoint-interface prop)) (if 
(= prop "Frequency") (setq ret (1+ (/ (- ret 2412) 5)))) ret)
"/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/141" "Ssid")
  (let* ((cur-item (enwc-get-wireless-nw-prop x det)) (ident 
(enwc-detail-to-ident det)) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") (progn (setq 
pos-len (length cur-item)) (setq enwc-essid-width (max enwc-essid-width 
pos-len)))) (setq ret-itm (append ret-itm (cons (cons ident cur-item) nil))))
  (while --dolist-tail-- (setq det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item 
(enwc-get-wireless-nw-prop x det)) (ident (enwc-detail-to-ident det)) pos-len) 
(if (string= ident "essid") (progn (setq pos-len (length cur-item)) (setq 
enwc-essid-width (max enwc-essid-width pos-len)))) (setq ret-itm (append 
ret-itm (cons (cons ident cur-item) nil)))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr 
  (let ((--dolist-tail-- enwc-details-list) det) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq 
det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item (enwc-get-wireless-nw-prop x det)) 
(ident (enwc-detail-to-ident det)) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") (progn 
(setq pos-len (length cur-item)) (setq enwc-essid-width (max enwc-essid-width 
pos-len)))) (setq ret-itm (append ret-itm (cons (cons ident cur-item) nil)))) 
(setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
  (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- enwc-details-list) det) (while --dolist-tail-- 
(setq det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item (enwc-get-wireless-nw-prop x 
det)) (ident (enwc-detail-to-ident det)) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") 
(progn (setq pos-len (length cur-item)) (setq enwc-essid-width (max 
enwc-essid-width pos-len)))) (setq ret-itm (append ret-itm (cons (cons ident 
cur-item) nil)))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))
  (let ((ret-itm (cons (cons "id" cur-id) nil))) (setq cur-id (1+ cur-id)) 
(progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- enwc-details-list) det) (while --dolist-tail-- 
(setq det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item (enwc-get-wireless-nw-prop x 
det)) (ident (enwc-detail-to-ident det)) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") 
(progn (setq pos-len ...) (setq enwc-essid-width ...))) (setq ret-itm (append 
ret-itm (cons ... nil)))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) 
  (lambda (x) (let ((ret-itm (cons (cons "id" cur-id) nil))) (setq cur-id (1+ 
cur-id)) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- enwc-details-list) det) (while 
--dolist-tail-- (setq det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item ...) (ident 
...) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") (progn ... ...)) (setq ret-itm 
(append ret-itm ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) 
  mapcar((lambda (x) (let ((ret-itm (cons (cons "id" cur-id) nil))) (setq 
cur-id (1+ cur-id)) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- enwc-details-list) det) 
(while --dolist-tail-- (setq det (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((cur-item ...) 
(ident ...) pos-len) (if (string= ident "essid") (progn ... ...)) (setq ret-itm 
(append ret-itm ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) 
ret-itm)) ("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/141" 
  (let* ((scan-ret (enwc-do-scan)) (enwc-access-points (enwc-get-nw)) (cur-id 
0) networks) (message "Scanning... Done") (setq enwc-essid-width 5) (mapcar 
(function (lambda (x) (let ((ret-itm (cons ... nil))) (setq cur-id (1+ cur-id)) 
(progn (let (... det) (while --dolist-tail-- ... ... ...))) ret-itm))) 
  (if enwc-using-wired (enwc-scan-internal-wired) (enwc-scan-internal-wireless))
  (setq enwc-last-scan (enwc-scan-internal))
  call-interactively(enwc record nil)
  command-execute(enwc record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "enwc")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> Ian D

Best regards, Michael.

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