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Re: RFC: Generators v2

From: Stephen J. Turnbull
Subject: Re: RFC: Generators v2
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:56:24 +0900

Nic Ferrier writes:

 > I'm personally uncomfortable about claiming `next'. At least use a
 > better name, like `gen-next'?

Another possible name is `pop', I think.  `pop' being a macro anyway
it should be able to handle Yet Another Type of argument.  `pop',
because when applied to arguments, a generator returns an iterator
whose API is like a list restricted to being consumed by iteration.  I
like `next', though.  `next' is used in Python, at least, and it seems
like the natural name to use.  `gen-next'?  No, thank you.

 > Perhaps it would be possible to avoid grabbing next by making it an
 > argument to the object returned by yield:
 > (defgenerator y (x) [...])
 > (let ((g (y 10)))
 >   (funcall g :next)
 >   (funcall g :next)
 >   (funcall g :next)) => 7

I think the package is misusing the name "generator".  If `g' is a
function (which it seems it indeed is in this package), it's already
possible to create closures in various ways, so that a function
carries its state with it.  So this is just syntactic sugar for

Indeed this syntactic sugar is *very* useful for coroutines and the
like, but it's not really useful for generators.  The point of a
generator is that it returns an iterable, ie, an object which looks
like a sequence in an iteration context.  In particular, code that can
iterator over the value of a generator should be able to use an
ordinary list in the same place, *without* knowing which it's going to
get in advance.  I don't see how you make that work generically if
generators return functions.  You have to alter *every* iteration
construct to recognize generators.  And then what happens if you hand
it an ordinary function?  Is it possible to distinguish between a
function created with defun, and the value of a generator created with
defgenerator?  I don't see how (without introspecting the code for

 > The only thing nicer than that would be to have generators be real
 > lisp-1 functions:

Too bad that Emacs Lisp is a Lisp-2, I guess.

You actually could do that Lisp-2-fully in a specific syntactic
context, though:

    ; pass the syntactic sugar, plz
    ; oh, yeah, the gencinnamon, too!  then you can omit the fmakunbound
      (define-function 'g (y (10)))
      (fmakunbound 'g))
=> 9

It should be easy enough to do that with a macro, though I don't see
how to make it very general.


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