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Re: A fast native `mapcan'

From: Mario Lang
Subject: Re: A fast native `mapcan'
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:59:33 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

Mario Lang <address@hidden> writes:

> The typical `mapcan' emulation in Emacs Lisp
>   (apply 'nconc (mapcar fn seq))
> is wasting GC time.  This is because `mapcar'
> has to build up a full list before it can pass it to `apply',
> and GC has to collect this memory later on, although it was never
> really "used" in Lisp world for anything other then passing args,
> creating unnecessary work for GC.
> `cl-mapcan' uses this emulation, plus it implements
> the multi-sequence behaviour from CL.  We do not
> have any callers that rely on the multi-sequence behaviour.
> So I was thinking: Why not add a native `mapcan'?  The native
> impelmentation is approx. twice as fast, because it can pass
> the list of results from Fmapcar to Fnconc directly in C world,
> using an ALLOCA'ed memory area.  So GC does not have
> to deal with cleaning up, which is the reason for the speed up.
> I have written an impelementation that works very nicely for me.
> Of course I had to remove the alias from `mapcan' to `cl-mapcan', but
> this feels like something we already have: `sort' vs. `cl-sort' for
> instance: `cl-sort' adds keywords not provided by the native Emacs Lisp
> `sort'.  Similarily, `cl-mapcan' now provides the
> multi-sequence behaviour, which is not provided by `mapcan',
> since we really never use this, and it keeps the function simple,
> and is actually symmetric to how `mapcar' or `mapc' work.
> `cl-mapcan' will also fall-back to the more efficient
> `mapcan' if no additional sequences were provided.
> I benchmarked this, and it appears to be almost twice as fast, more or less
> no matter how long the sequence is.  Savings all come from
> not having to do as much GC.
> Please review and comment.  I am going to write a neat ChangeLog entry
> and commit this in the upcoming days, if nobody objects strongly.

Here is an updated version of my proposed patch.

=== modified file 'etc/NEWS'
--- etc/NEWS    2014-07-28 09:39:09 +0000
+++ etc/NEWS    2014-07-28 11:41:32 +0000
@@ -206,6 +206,9 @@
 *** New macros `thread-first' and `thread-last' allow threading a form
     as the first or last argument of subsequent forms.
+** New built-in function `mapcan' which avoids unnecessary consing (and garbage
+   collection).

 * Changes in Emacs 24.5 on Non-Free Operating Systems

=== modified file 'lisp/cedet/semantic/analyze/complete.el'
--- lisp/cedet/semantic/analyze/complete.el     2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/cedet/semantic/analyze/complete.el     2014-07-29 20:10:54 +0000
@@ -54,10 +54,9 @@
   (let ((origc tags))
     ;; Accept only tags that are of the datatype specified by
     ;; the desired classes.
-    (setq tags (apply 'nconc ;; All input lists are permutable.
-                     (mapcar (lambda (class)
-                               (semantic-find-tags-by-class class origc))
-                             classlist)))
+    (setq tags (mapcan (lambda (class)
+                        (semantic-find-tags-by-class class origc))
+                      classlist))
 ;;; MAIN completion calculator

=== modified file 'lisp/cedet/semantic/db-find.el'
--- lisp/cedet/semantic/db-find.el      2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/cedet/semantic/db-find.el      2014-07-30 10:17:09 +0000
@@ -333,30 +333,23 @@
                        (with-current-buffer (semantic-tag-buffer (car tt))
-    (apply
-     #'nconc
-     (mapcar
-      (lambda (db)
-       (let ((tabs (semanticdb-get-database-tables db))
-             (ret nil))
-         ;; Only return tables of the same language (major-mode)
-         ;; as the current search environment.
-         (while tabs
-           (semantic-throw-on-input 'translate-path-brutish)
-           (if (semanticdb-equivalent-mode-for-search (car tabs)
-                                                      (current-buffer))
-               (setq ret (cons (car tabs) ret)))
-           (setq tabs (cdr tabs)))
-         ret))
-      ;; FIXME:
-      ;; This should scan the current project directory list for all
-      ;; semanticdb files, perhaps handling proxies for them.
-      (semanticdb-current-database-list
-       (if basedb (oref basedb reference-directory)
-        default-directory))))
-    ))
+    (mapcan (lambda (db)
+             (let ((ret nil))
+               ;; Only return tables of the same language (major-mode)
+               ;; as the current search environment.
+               (dolist (tab (semanticdb-get-database-tables db) ret)
+                 (semantic-throw-on-input 'translate-path-brutish)
+                 (if (semanticdb-equivalent-mode-for-search tab
+                                                            (current-buffer))
+                     (push tab ret)))))
+           ;; FIXME:
+           ;; This should scan the current project directory list for all
+           ;; semanticdb files, perhaps handling proxies for them.
+           (semanticdb-current-database-list
+            (if basedb (oref basedb reference-directory)
+              default-directory)))))
 (defun semanticdb-find-incomplete-cache-entries-p (cache)
   "Are there any incomplete entries in CACHE?"
@@ -902,7 +895,7 @@
 This makes it appear more like the results of a `semantic-find-' call.
 This is like `semanticdb-strip-find-results', except the input list RESULTS
 will be changed."
-  (apply #'nconc (mapcar #'cdr results)))
+  (mapcan #'cdr results))
 (defun semanticdb-find-results-p (resultp)
   "Non-nil if RESULTP is in the form of a semanticdb search result.

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el 2014-06-30 18:26:34 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el 2014-07-29 20:16:35 +0000
@@ -751,11 +751,9 @@
                     (dolist (suf (get-load-suffixes))
                       (unless (string-match "\\.elc" suf) (push suf tmp)))
                      (concat "^[^=.].*" (regexp-opt tmp t) "\\'")))
-        (files (apply 'nconc
-                      (mapcar (lambda (dir)
-                                (directory-files (expand-file-name dir)
-                                                 t files-re))
-                              dirs)))
+        (files (mapcan (lambda (dir)
+                         (directory-files (expand-file-name dir) t files-re))
+                       dirs))
          (done ())
         (this-time (current-time))
          ;; Files with no autoload cookies or whose autoloads go to other

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-extra.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-extra.el 2014-03-20 18:16:47 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-extra.el 2014-07-01 16:21:52 +0000
@@ -173,7 +173,9 @@
 (defun cl-mapcan (cl-func cl-seq &rest cl-rest)
   "Like `cl-mapcar', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.
-  (apply 'nconc (apply 'cl-mapcar cl-func cl-seq cl-rest)))
+  (if cl-rest
+      (apply 'nconc (apply 'cl-mapcar cl-func cl-seq cl-rest))
+    (mapcan cl-func cl-seq)))
 (defun cl-mapcon (cl-func cl-list &rest cl-rest)

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el  2014-07-21 01:41:59 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el  2014-07-29 20:14:48 +0000
@@ -2048,11 +2048,9 @@
         (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")) (n 0))
           `(let ((,temp ,form))
               (prog1 (setq ,(pop vars) (car ,temp))
-                (setq ,@(apply #'nconc
-                               (mapcar (lambda (v)
-                                         (list v `(nth ,(setq n (1+ n))
-                                                       ,temp)))
-                                       vars)))))))))
+                (setq ,@(mapcan (lambda (v)
+                                  (list v `(nth ,(setq n (1+ n)) ,temp)))
+                                vars))))))))
 ;;; Declarations.

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el       2014-04-24 00:28:47 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el       2014-07-01 15:12:48 +0000
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
-               mapcan

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el       2014-02-10 01:34:22 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el       2014-07-29 20:19:32 +0000
@@ -437,13 +437,11 @@
          (setq tail d))))
     ;; Separate small ranges to single number, and delete dups.
-     (apply #'nconc
-           (mapcar (lambda (e)
-                     (cond
-                      ((= (car e) (cdr e)) (list (car e)))
-                      ((= (1+ (car e)) (cdr e)) (list (car e) (cdr e)))
-                      ((list e))))
-                   l))
+     (mapcan (lambda (e)
+              (cond ((= (car e) (cdr e)) (list (car e)))
+                    ((= (1+ (car e)) (cdr e)) (list (car e) (cdr e)))
+                    ((list e))))
+            l)
      (delete-dups str))))

=== modified file 'lisp/epa-mail.el'
--- lisp/epa-mail.el    2014-03-22 22:36:29 +0000
+++ lisp/epa-mail.el    2014-07-30 09:57:16 +0000
@@ -139,23 +139,19 @@
       ;; Process all the recipients thru the list of GnuPG groups.
       ;; Expand GnuPG group names to what they stand for.
       (setq real-recipients
-           (apply #'nconc
-                  (mapcar
-                   (lambda (recipient)
+           (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
                      (or (epg-expand-group config recipient)
                          (list recipient)))
-                   real-recipients)))
+                   real-recipients))
       ;; Process all the recipients thru the user's list
       ;; of encryption aliases.
       (setq real-recipients
-           (apply #'nconc
-                  (mapcar
-                   (lambda (recipient)
+           (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
                      (let ((tem (assoc recipient epa-mail-aliases)))
                        (if tem (cdr tem)
                          (list recipient))))
-                   real-recipients)))
+                   real-recipients))
@@ -194,26 +190,23 @@
                   (setq default-recipients
                   ;; Convert recipients to keys.
-                  (apply
-                   'nconc
-                   (mapcar
-                    (lambda (recipient)
-                      (let ((recipient-key
-                             (epa-mail--find-usable-key
-                              (epg-list-keys
-                               (epg-make-context epa-protocol)
-                               (if (string-match "@" recipient)
-                                   (concat "<" recipient ">")
-                                 recipient))
-                              'encrypt)))
-                        (unless (or recipient-key
-                                    (y-or-n-p
-                                     (format
-                                      "No public key for %s; skip it? "
-                                      recipient)))
-                          (error "No public key for %s" recipient))
-                        (if recipient-key (list recipient-key))))
-                      default-recipients)))))
+                  (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
+                            (let ((recipient-key
+                                   (epa-mail--find-usable-key
+                                    (epg-list-keys
+                                     (epg-make-context epa-protocol)
+                                     (if (string-match "@" recipient)
+                                         (concat "<" recipient ">")
+                                       recipient))
+                                    'encrypt)))
+                              (unless (or recipient-key
+                                          (y-or-n-p
+                                           (format
+                                            "No public key for %s; skip it? "
+                                            recipient)))
+                                (error "No public key for %s" recipient))
+                              (if recipient-key (list recipient-key))))
+                          default-recipients))))
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (if (search-forward mail-header-separator nil t)

=== modified file 'lisp/epg.el'
--- lisp/epg.el 2014-05-14 17:15:15 +0000
+++ lisp/epg.el 2014-07-29 20:28:46 +0000
@@ -2074,9 +2074,7 @@
               (delete-directory tempdir)))))))
 (defun epg--args-from-sig-notations (notations)
-  (apply #'nconc
-        (mapcar
-         (lambda (notation)
+  (mapcan (lambda (notation)
            (if (and (epg-sig-notation-name notation)
                     (not (epg-sig-notation-human-readable notation)))
                (error "Unreadable"))
@@ -2091,7 +2089,7 @@
                    (if (epg-sig-notation-critical notation)
                        (concat "!" (epg-sig-notation-value notation))
                      (epg-sig-notation-value notation)))))
-         notations)))
+         notations))
 (defun epg-cancel (context)
   (if (buffer-live-p (process-buffer (epg-context-process context)))
@@ -2307,13 +2305,11 @@
                             (if (memq mode '(nil normal))
-                    (apply #'nconc
-                           (mapcar
-                            (lambda (signer)
+                    (mapcan (lambda (signer)
                               (list "-u"
                                      (car (epg-key-sub-key-list signer)))))
-                            (epg-context-signers context)))
+                            (epg-context-signers context))
                      (epg-context-sig-notations context))
                     (if (epg-data-file plain)
@@ -2407,24 +2403,20 @@
                     (if recipients '("--encrypt") '("--symmetric"))
                     (if sign '("--sign"))
                     (if sign
-                        (apply #'nconc
-                               (mapcar
-                                (lambda (signer)
+                        (mapcan (lambda (signer)
                                   (list "-u"
                                          (car (epg-key-sub-key-list
-                                (epg-context-signers context))))
+                                (epg-context-signers context)))
                     (if sign
                          (epg-context-sig-notations context)))
-                    (apply #'nconc
-                           (mapcar
-                            (lambda (recipient)
+                    (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
                               (list "-r"
                                      (car (epg-key-sub-key-list recipient)))))
-                            recipients))
+                            recipients)
                     (if (epg-data-file plain)
                         (list "--" (epg-data-file plain)))))
   ;; `gpgsm' does not read passphrase from stdin, so waiting is not needed.

=== modified file 'lisp/faces.el'
--- lisp/faces.el       2014-07-12 17:53:29 +0000
+++ lisp/faces.el       2014-07-29 20:31:07 +0000
@@ -1060,12 +1060,11 @@
             (and (memq (window-system frame) '(x ns)) ; No stipple on w32
                  (mapcar #'list
-                         (apply #'nconc
-                                (mapcar (lambda (dir)
-                                          (and (file-readable-p dir)
-                                               (file-directory-p dir)
-                                               (directory-files dir)))
-                                        x-bitmap-file-path)))))
+                         (mapcan (lambda (dir)
+                                   (and (file-readable-p dir)
+                                        (file-directory-p dir)
+                                        (directory-files dir)))
+                                 x-bitmap-file-path))))
             (cons '("none" . nil)
                   (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (cons (symbol-name c) c))

=== modified file 'lisp/ffap.el'
--- lisp/ffap.el        2014-06-12 02:29:50 +0000
+++ lisp/ffap.el        2014-07-30 09:11:33 +0000
@@ -692,16 +692,11 @@
   (setq depth (1- depth))
   (cons dir
        (and (not (eq depth -1))
-            (apply 'nconc
-                   (mapcar
-                    (function
-                     (lambda (d)
-                       (cond
-                        ((not (file-directory-p d)) nil)
-                        ((file-symlink-p d) (list d))
-                        (t (ffap-all-subdirs-loop d depth)))))
-                    (directory-files dir t "\\`[^.]")
-                    )))))
+            (mapcan (lambda (d)
+                      (cond ((not (file-directory-p d)) nil)
+                            ((file-symlink-p d) (list d))
+                            (t (ffap-all-subdirs-loop d depth))))
+                    (directory-files dir t "\\`[^.]")))))
 (defvar ffap-kpathsea-depth 1
   "Bound on depth of subdirectory search in `ffap-kpathsea-expand-path'.
@@ -712,14 +707,12 @@
 The subdirs begin with the original directory, and the depth of the
 search is bounded by `ffap-kpathsea-depth'.  This is intended to mimic
 kpathsea, a library used by some versions of TeX."
-  (apply 'nconc
-        (mapcar
-         (function
+  (mapcan (function
           (lambda (dir)
             (if (string-match "[^/]//\\'" dir)
                 (ffap-all-subdirs (substring dir 0 -2) ffap-kpathsea-depth)
               (list dir))))
-         path)))
+         path))
 (defun ffap-locate-file (file nosuffix path)
   ;; The current version of locate-library could almost replace this,

=== modified file 'lisp/files.el'
--- lisp/files.el       2014-07-28 09:39:09 +0000
+++ lisp/files.el       2014-07-29 20:33:06 +0000
@@ -5322,12 +5322,11 @@
 Note that membership in REJECT and KEEP is checked using simple string
-  (apply #'nconc
-        (mapcar (lambda (dir)
-                  (and (not (member dir reject))
-                       (or (member dir keep) (file-directory-p dir))
-                       (list dir)))
-                dirs)))
+  (mapcan (lambda (dir)
+           (and (not (member dir reject))
+                (or (member dir keep) (file-directory-p dir))
+                (list dir)))
+         dirs))

 (put 'revert-buffer-function 'permanent-local t)

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el'
--- lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el  2014-05-01 23:55:25 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el  2014-07-01 19:52:02 +0000
@@ -790,8 +790,7 @@
 (defun gnus-registry-sort-addresses (&rest addresses)
   "Return a normalized and sorted list of ADDRESSES."
-  (sort (apply 'nconc (mapcar 'gnus-registry-extract-addresses addresses))
-        'string-lessp))
+  (sort (mapcan 'gnus-registry-extract-addresses addresses) 'string-lessp))
 (defun gnus-registry-simplify-subject (subject)
   (if (stringp subject)

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el'
--- lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el     2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el     2014-07-30 09:55:32 +0000
@@ -1248,14 +1248,11 @@
       ;; We then expand any exclude-file directives.
       (setq gnus-scores-exclude-files
-            (apply
-             'nconc
-             (mapcar
-              (lambda (sfile)
-                (list
-                 (expand-file-name sfile (file-name-directory file))
-                 (expand-file-name sfile gnus-kill-files-directory)))
-              exclude-files))
+            (mapcan (lambda (sfile)
+                      (list
+                       (expand-file-name sfile (file-name-directory file))
+                       (expand-file-name sfile gnus-kill-files-directory)))
+                    exclude-files)
       (when local
        (with-current-buffer gnus-summary-buffer

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el'
--- lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el       2014-06-22 05:43:58 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el       2014-07-01 19:45:04 +0000
@@ -4797,7 +4797,7 @@
 (defun gnus-articles-in-thread (thread)
   "Return the list of articles in THREAD."
   (cons (mail-header-number (car thread))
-       (apply 'nconc (mapcar 'gnus-articles-in-thread (cdr thread)))))
+       (mapcan 'gnus-articles-in-thread (cdr thread))))
 (defun gnus-remove-thread (id &optional dont-remove)
   "Remove the thread that has ID in it."

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el'
--- lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el      2014-07-22 06:37:31 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el      2014-07-29 22:56:40 +0000
@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@
             (setq ,result-tail (cdr ,result-tail)
-                  ,@(apply 'nconc (mapcar (lambda (h) (list h (list 'cdr h))) 
+                  ,@(mapcan (lambda (h) (list h (list 'cdr h))) heads)))
           (cdr ,result)))
     `(mapcar ,function ,seq1)))

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/mailcap.el'
--- lisp/gnus/mailcap.el        2014-03-23 23:13:36 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/mailcap.el        2014-07-30 09:48:22 +0000
@@ -996,20 +996,16 @@
     (mapcar 'cdr mailcap-mime-extensions)
-    (apply
-     'nconc
-     (mapcar
-      (lambda (l)
-       (delq nil
-             (mapcar
-              (lambda (m)
-                (let ((type (cdr (assq 'type (cdr m)))))
-                  (if (equal (cadr (split-string type "/"))
-                             "*")
-                      nil
-                    type)))
-              (cdr l))))
-      mailcap-mime-data)))))
+    (mapcan (lambda (l)
+             (delq nil
+                   (mapcar
+                    (lambda (m)
+                     (let ((type (cdr (assq 'type (cdr m)))))
+                       (if (string-equal (cadr (split-string type "/")) "*")
+                           nil
+                         type)))
+                    (cdr l))))
+           mailcap-mime-data))))
 ;;; Useful supplementary functions

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/mml-smime.el'
--- lisp/gnus/mml-smime.el      2014-03-23 23:13:36 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/mml-smime.el      2014-07-29 22:50:35 +0000
@@ -490,16 +490,14 @@
     (unless recipients
       (setq recipients
-           (apply #'nconc
-                  (mapcar
-                   (lambda (recipient)
+           (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
                      (or (epg-expand-group config recipient)
                          (list recipient)))
                     (or (message-options-get 'message-recipients)
                         (message-options-set 'message-recipients
                                              (read-string "Recipients: ")))
-                    "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+"))))
+                    "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+")))
       (when mml-smime-encrypt-to-self
        (unless signer-names
          (error "Neither message sender nor mml-smime-signers are set"))

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/mml1991.el'
--- lisp/gnus/mml1991.el        2014-03-23 23:13:36 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/mml1991.el        2014-07-29 22:51:03 +0000
@@ -404,11 +404,10 @@
             (functionp #'epg-expand-group))
        (setq config (epg-configuration)
-             (apply #'nconc
-                    (mapcar (lambda (recipient)
-                              (or (epg-expand-group config recipient)
-                                  (list recipient)))
-                            recipients))))
+             (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
+                       (or (epg-expand-group config recipient)
+                           (list recipient)))
+                     recipients)))
     (if (eq mm-encrypt-option 'guided)
        (setq recipients
              (epa-select-keys context "Select recipients for encryption.

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/mml2015.el'
--- lisp/gnus/mml2015.el        2014-05-09 06:43:52 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/mml2015.el        2014-07-29 20:02:57 +0000
@@ -1155,16 +1155,14 @@
         recipient-key signer-key)
     (unless recipients
       (setq recipients
-           (apply #'nconc
-                  (mapcar
-                   (lambda (recipient)
+           (mapcan (lambda (recipient)
                      (or (epg-expand-group config recipient)
                          (list (concat "<" recipient ">"))))
                     (or (message-options-get 'message-recipients)
                         (message-options-set 'message-recipients
                                              (read-string "Recipients: ")))
-                    "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+"))))
+                    "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+")))
       (when mml2015-encrypt-to-self
        (unless signer-names
          (error "Neither message sender nor mml2015-signers are set"))

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/nnmail.el'
--- lisp/gnus/nnmail.el 2014-03-23 23:13:36 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/nnmail.el 2014-07-01 19:46:17 +0000
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@
      ;; Builtin & operation.
      ((eq (car split) '&)
-      (apply 'nconc (mapcar 'nnmail-split-it (cdr split))))
+      (mapcan 'nnmail-split-it (cdr split)))
      ;; Builtin | operation.
      ((eq (car split) '|)

=== modified file 'lisp/gnus/pop3.el'
--- lisp/gnus/pop3.el   2014-02-10 01:34:22 +0000
+++ lisp/gnus/pop3.el   2014-07-01 19:48:13 +0000
@@ -406,8 +406,8 @@
               (push uidl new))
             (decf i)))
-          (setq new (apply 'nconc (mapcar (lambda (elt) (list elt ctime))
-                                          pop3-uidl)))))
+          (setq new (mapcan (lambda (elt) (list elt ctime))
+                            pop3-uidl))))
     (when new (setq mod t))
     ;; List expirable messages and delete them from the data to be saved.
     (setq ctime (when (numberp pop3-leave-mail-on-server)

=== modified file 'lisp/ido.el'
--- lisp/ido.el 2014-03-03 02:27:08 +0000
+++ lisp/ido.el 2014-07-30 10:02:26 +0000
@@ -4670,24 +4670,23 @@
-                   (cdr (apply
-                         #'nconc
-                         (mapcar
-                          (lambda (com)
-                            (setq com (ido-name com))
-                            (setq items (1- items))
-                            (cond
-                             ((< items 0) ())
-                             ((= items 0) (list (nth 3 ido-decorations))) ; " 
| ..."
-                             (t
-                              (list (or ido-separator (nth 2 ido-decorations)) 
; " | "
-                                    (let ((str (substring com 0)))
-                                      (if (and ido-use-faces
-                                               (not (string= str first))
-                                               (ido-final-slash str))
-                                          (put-text-property 0 (length str) 
'face 'ido-subdir str))
-                                      str)))))
-                          comps))))))
+                   (cdr (mapcan
+                         (lambda (com)
+                           (setq com (ido-name com)
+                                 items (1- items))
+                           (cond ((< items 0)
+                                  ())
+                                 ((= items 0)
+                                  (list (nth 3 ido-decorations))) ; " | ..."
+                                 (t
+                                  (list (or ido-separator (nth 2 
ido-decorations)) ; " | "
+                                        (let ((str (substring com 0)))
+                                          (if (and ido-use-faces
+                                                   (not (string= str first))
+                                                   (ido-final-slash str))
+                                              (put-text-property 0 (length 
str) 'face 'ido-subdir str))
+                                          str)))))
+                         comps)))))
              ;; put in common completion item -- what you get by pressing tab

=== modified file 'lisp/info-xref.el'
--- lisp/info-xref.el   2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/info-xref.el   2014-07-29 22:51:46 +0000
@@ -347,9 +347,7 @@
 in the path."
   (info-initialize) ;; establish Info-directory-list
-  (apply 'nconc
-         (mapcar
-          (lambda (dir)
+  (mapcar (lambda (dir)
             (let ((result nil))
               (dolist (name (directory-files
@@ -362,7 +360,7 @@
                            (not (info-xref-subfile-p name)))
                  (push name result)))
               (nreverse result)))
-          (append Info-directory-list Info-additional-directory-list))))
+          (append Info-directory-list Info-additional-directory-list)))
 (defun info-xref-check-list (filename-list)
   "Check external references in info documents in FILENAME-LIST."

=== modified file 'lisp/info.el'
--- lisp/info.el        2014-06-25 10:36:51 +0000
+++ lisp/info.el        2014-07-29 20:38:23 +0000
@@ -194,14 +194,12 @@
          '("share/" "" "gnu/" "gnu/lib/" "gnu/lib/emacs/"
            "emacs/" "lib/" "lib/emacs/"))
-         (apply #'nconc
-                (mapcar (lambda (pfx)
-                          (let ((dirs
-                                 (mapcar (lambda (sfx)
-                                           (concat pfx sfx "info/"))
-                                         suffixes)))
-                            (prune-directory-list dirs)))
-                        prefixes)))
+         (mapcan (lambda (pfx)
+                   (let ((dirs (mapcar (lambda (sfx)
+                                         (concat pfx sfx "info/"))
+                                       suffixes)))
+                     (prune-directory-list dirs)))
+                 prefixes))
         ;; If $(prefix)/share/info is not one of the standard info
         ;; directories, they are probably installing an experimental
         ;; version of Emacs, so make sure that experimental version's Info

=== modified file 'lisp/mouse.el'
--- lisp/mouse.el       2014-07-21 01:38:21 +0000
+++ lisp/mouse.el       2014-07-23 14:50:37 +0000
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@
                      ;; we don't need split-by-major-mode any more,
                      ;; so we can ditch it with nconc.
-                     (apply 'nconc (mapcar 'cddr split-by-major-mode)))))
+                     (mapcan 'cddr split-by-major-mode))))
                (and others-list
                     (setq subdivided-menus
                           (cons (cons "Others" others-list)

=== modified file 'lisp/msb.el'
--- lisp/msb.el 2014-02-10 01:34:22 +0000
+++ lisp/msb.el 2014-07-30 09:42:50 +0000
@@ -507,14 +507,12 @@
         ;; ((DIR-1 BUFFER-1) (DIR-2 BUFFER-2) ...)
         ;; sorted on DIR-x
-         (apply #'nconc
-                (mapcar
-                 (lambda (buffer)
+         (mapcan (lambda (buffer)
                    (let ((file-name (expand-file-name
                                      (buffer-file-name buffer))))
                      (when file-name
                        (list (cons (msb--strip-dir file-name) buffer)))))
-                 list))
+                 list)
          (lambda (item1 item2)
            (string< (car item1) (car item2))))))
     ;; Now clump buffers together that have the same directory name
@@ -523,24 +521,21 @@
     (let ((dir nil)
          (buffers nil))
-       (apply
-       #'nconc
-       (mapcar (lambda (item)
-                 (cond
-                  ((equal dir (car item))
-                   ;; The same dir as earlier:
-                   ;; Add to current list of buffers.
-                   (push (cdr item) buffers)
-                   ;; This item should not be added to list
-                   nil)
-                  (t
-                   ;; New dir
-                   (let ((result (and dir (cons dir buffers))))
-                     (setq dir (car item))
-                     (setq buffers (list (cdr item)))
-                     ;; Add the last result the list.
-                     (and result (list result))))))
-               buffer-alist))
+       (mapcan (lambda (item)
+                (cond ((equal dir (car item))
+                       ;; The same dir as earlier:
+                       ;; Add to current list of buffers.
+                       (push (cdr item) buffers)
+                       ;; This item should not be added to list
+                       nil)
+                      (t
+                       ;; New dir
+                       (let ((result (and dir (cons dir buffers))))
+                         (setq dir (car item))
+                         (setq buffers (list (cdr item)))
+                         ;; Add the last result the list.
+                         (and result (list result))))))
+              buffer-alist)
        ;; Add the last result to the list
        (list (cons dir buffers))))))
@@ -790,9 +785,7 @@
          (first-time-p t)
-       (apply #'nconc
-             (mapcar
-              (lambda (item)
+       (mapcan (lambda (item)
                   (push (cdr item) same)
@@ -810,7 +803,7 @@
                   (list (cons tmp-old-car (nreverse tmp-same))))))
               (sort alist (lambda (item1 item2)
                             (funcall sort-predicate
-                                      (car item1) (car item2))))))
+                                      (car item1) (car item2)))))
        (list (cons old-car (nreverse same)))))))
@@ -1015,9 +1008,7 @@
          (not (numberp msb-separator-diff)))
     (let ((last-key nil))
-      (apply #'nconc
-            (mapcar
-             (lambda (item)
+      (mapcan (lambda (item)
                 ((and msb-separator-diff
@@ -1029,7 +1020,7 @@
                  (setq last-key (car item))
                  (list item))))
-             sorted-list)))))
+             sorted-list))))
 (defun msb--split-menus-2 (list mcount result)

=== modified file 'lisp/net/gnutls.el'
--- lisp/net/gnutls.el  2014-07-01 18:48:24 +0000
+++ lisp/net/gnutls.el  2014-07-01 18:57:21 +0000
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
                             ;; if a list, look for hostname matches
                             ((listp gnutls-verify-error)
-                             (cl-mapcan
+                             (mapcan
                               (lambda (check)
                                 (when (string-match (car check) hostname)
                                   (copy-sequence (cdr check))))

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el   2014-07-14 23:58:52 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el   2014-07-29 19:57:29 +0000
@@ -2050,12 +2050,11 @@
        ;; are no file dependencies needed.
        (setq source-files (nreverse
                            ;; Reverse to get the right load order.
-                           (apply 'nconc
-                                  (mapcar (lambda (elem)
-                                            (if (eq file (car elem))
-                                                nil ; Exclude our own file.
-                                              (list (car elem))))
-                                          (get sym 'source))))))
+                           (mapcan (lambda (elem)
+                                     (if (eq file (car elem))
+                                         nil ; Exclude our own file.
+                                       (list (car elem))))
+                                   (get sym 'source)))))
       ;; Make some effort to do a compact call to
       ;; `c-get-lang-constant' since it will be compiled in.

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el 2014-06-29 11:26:47 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el 2014-07-29 19:55:47 +0000
@@ -152,13 +152,12 @@
 (defmacro c-declare-lang-variables ()
-     ,@(apply 'nconc
-             (mapcar (lambda (init)
-                       `(,(if (elt init 2)
-                              `(defvar ,(car init) nil ,(elt init 2))
-                            `(defvar ,(car init) nil))
-                         (make-variable-buffer-local ',(car init))))
-                     (cdr c-lang-variable-inits)))))
+     ,@(mapcan (lambda (init)
+                `(,(if (elt init 2)
+                       `(defvar ,(car init) nil ,(elt init 2))
+                     `(defvar ,(car init) nil))
+                  (make-variable-buffer-local ',(car init))))
+              (cdr c-lang-variable-inits))))

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-fonts.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/cc-fonts.el  2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/cc-fonts.el  2014-07-29 19:52:41 +0000
@@ -1975,9 +1975,7 @@
              (cdr-safe (or (assq c-buffer-is-cc-mode c-doc-comment-style)
                            (assq 'other c-doc-comment-style)))
-        (list (nconc (apply 'nconc
-                            (mapcar
-                             (lambda (doc-style)
+        (list (nconc (mapcan (lambda (doc-style)
                                (let ((sym (intern
                                            (concat (symbol-name doc-style)
@@ -1987,7 +1985,7 @@
                                         (append (eval sym) nil)))))
                              (if (listp doc-keywords)
-                               (list doc-keywords))))
+                               (list doc-keywords)))
     ;; Kludge: If `c-font-lock-complex-decl-prepare' is on the list we

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el  2014-07-14 23:58:52 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el  2014-07-29 19:50:45 +0000
@@ -253,20 +253,19 @@
     (unless xlate
       (setq xlate 'identity))
     (c-with-syntax-table (c-lang-const c-mode-syntax-table)
-      (cl-delete-duplicates
-       (cl-mapcan (lambda (opgroup)
+      (delete-dups
+       (mapcan (lambda (opgroup)
                 (when (if (symbolp (car opgroup))
                           (when (funcall opgroup-filter (car opgroup))
                             (setq opgroup (cdr opgroup))
-                  (cl-mapcan (lambda (op)
+                  (mapcan (lambda (op)
                             (when (funcall op-filter op)
                               (let ((res (funcall xlate op)))
                                 (if (listp res) res (list res)))))
-              ops)
-       :test 'equal))))
+              ops)))))

 ;;; Various mode specific values that aren't language related.
@@ -2495,14 +2494,8 @@
            lang-const-list (cdar alist)
            alist (cdr alist))
       (setplist (intern kwd obarray)
-               ;; Emacs has an odd bug that causes `mapcan' to fail
-               ;; with unintelligible errors.  (XEmacs works.)
-               ;;(mapcan (lambda (lang-const)
-               ;;            (list lang-const t))
-               ;;          lang-const-list)
-               (apply 'nconc (mapcar (lambda (lang-const)
-                                       (list lang-const t))
-                                     lang-const-list))))
+               (mapcan (lambda (lang-const) (list lang-const t))
+                       lang-const-list)))
 (c-lang-defconst c-regular-keywords-regexp
@@ -2918,17 +2911,15 @@
          (when (boundp (c-mode-symbol "font-lock-extra-types"))
            (c-mode-var "font-lock-extra-types")))
-         (apply 'nconc
-                (mapcar (lambda (re)
+         (mapcan (lambda (re)
                    (when (string-match "[][.*+?^$\\]" re)
                      (list re)))
-                 extra-types)))
+                 extra-types))
-         (apply 'nconc
-                (mapcar (lambda (re)
+         (mapcan (lambda (re)
                    (unless (string-match "[][.*+?^$\\]" re)
                      (list re)))
-                 extra-types))))
+                 extra-types)))
     (concat "\\<\\("
             (append (list (c-make-keywords-re nil
@@ -3196,7 +3187,7 @@
                             ;; `c-lang-const' will expand to the evaluated
                             ;; constant immediately in `macroexpand-all'
                             ;; below.
-                             (cl-mapcan
+                             (mapcan
                               (lambda (init)
                                 `(current-var ',(car init)
                                   ,(car init) ,(macroexpand-all
@@ -3204,8 +3195,8 @@
                               ;; Note: The following `append' copies the
                               ;; first argument.  That list is small, so
                               ;; this doesn't matter too much.
-                             (append (cdr c-emacs-variable-inits)
-                                     (cdr c-lang-variable-inits)))))
+                              (append (cdr c-emacs-variable-inits)
+                                      (cdr c-lang-variable-inits)))))
                 ;; This diagnostic message isn't useful for end
                 ;; users, so it's disabled.

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/gud.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/gud.el       2014-02-10 01:34:22 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/gud.el       2014-07-30 09:39:19 +0000
@@ -1881,10 +1881,10 @@
 PATH gives the directories in which to search for files with
 extension EXTN.  Normally EXTN is given as the regular expression
  \"\\.java$\" ."
-  (apply 'nconc (mapcar (lambda (d)
-                         (when (file-directory-p d)
-                           (directory-files d t extn nil)))
-                       path)))
+  (mapcan (lambda (d)
+           (when (file-directory-p d)
+             (directory-files d t extn nil)))
+         path))
 ;; Move point past whitespace.
 (defun gud-jdb-skip-whitespace ()
@@ -2086,11 +2086,7 @@
 (defun gud-jdb-build-class-source-alist (sources)
   (setq gud-jdb-analysis-buffer (get-buffer-create " *gud-jdb-scratch*"))
-      (apply
-       'nconc
-       (mapcar
-       'gud-jdb-build-class-source-alist-for-file
-       sources))
+      (mapcan 'gud-jdb-build-class-source-alist-for-file sources)
     (kill-buffer gud-jdb-analysis-buffer)
     (setq gud-jdb-analysis-buffer nil)))

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/hideif.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/hideif.el    2014-07-21 06:03:08 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/hideif.el    2014-07-29 19:47:33 +0000
@@ -677,10 +677,7 @@
 (defun hif-flatten (l)
   "Flatten a tree."
-  (apply #'nconc
-         (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (listp x)
-                                 (hif-flatten x)
-                               (list x))) l)))
+  (mapcan (lambda (x) (if (listp x) (hif-flatten x) (list x))) l))
 (defun hif-expand-token-list (tokens &optional macroname expand_list)
   "Perform expansion on TOKENS till everything expanded.
@@ -1114,8 +1111,7 @@
 (defun hif-delimit (lis atom)
-  (nconc (cl-mapcan (lambda (l) (list l atom))
-                    (butlast lis))
+  (nconc (mapcan (lambda (l) (list l atom)) (butlast lis))
          (last lis)))
 ;; Perform token replacement:

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/idlwave.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/idlwave.el   2014-06-29 02:17:17 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/idlwave.el   2014-07-30 10:40:30 +0000
@@ -5165,19 +5165,15 @@
 (defun idlwave-get-routine-info-from-buffers (buffers)
   "Call `idlwave-get-buffer-routine-info' on idlwave-mode buffers in BUFFERS."
-  (let (buf routine-lists res)
-    (save-excursion
-      (while (setq buf (pop buffers))
-       (set-buffer buf)
-       (if (and (derived-mode-p 'idlwave-mode)
-                buffer-file-name)
-           ;; yes, this buffer has the right mode.
-           (progn (setq res (condition-case nil
-                                (idlwave-get-buffer-routine-info)
-                              (error nil)))
-                  (push res routine-lists)))))
-    ;; Concatenate the individual lists and return the result
-    (apply 'nconc routine-lists)))
+  (mapcan (lambda (buf)
+           (with-current-buffer buf
+             (when (and (derived-mode-p 'idlwave-mode)
+                        buffer-file-name)
+               ;; yes, this buffer has the right mode.
+               (condition-case nil
+                   (idlwave-get-buffer-routine-info)
+                 (error nil)))))
+         buffers))
 (defun idlwave-get-buffer-routine-info ()
   "Scan the current buffer for routine info.  Return (PRO-LIST FUNC-LIST)."

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/python.el'
--- lisp/progmodes/python.el    2014-07-28 21:07:10 +0000
+++ lisp/progmodes/python.el    2014-07-30 09:53:26 +0000
@@ -3717,26 +3717,23 @@
      (\"decorator.wrap\" . 353)
      (\"decorator.wrapped_f\" . 393))"
   ;; Inspired by imenu--flatten-index-alist removed in revno 21853.
-  (apply
-   'nconc
-   (mapcar
-    (lambda (item)
-      (let ((name (if prefix
-                      (concat prefix "." (car item))
-                    (car item)))
-            (pos (cdr item)))
-        (cond ((or (numberp pos) (markerp pos))
-               (list (cons name pos)))
-              ((listp pos)
-               (cons
-                (cons name (cdar pos))
-                (python-imenu-create-flat-index (cddr item) name))))))
-    (or alist
-        (let* ((fn (lambda (_type name) name))
-               (python-imenu-format-item-label-function fn)
-              (python-imenu-format-parent-item-label-function fn)
-              (python-imenu-format-parent-item-jump-label-function fn))
-          (python-imenu-create-index))))))
+  (mapcan (lambda (item)
+            (let ((name (if prefix
+                            (concat prefix "." (car item))
+                          (car item)))
+                  (pos (cdr item)))
+              (cond ((or (numberp pos) (markerp pos))
+                     (list (cons name pos)))
+                    ((listp pos)
+                     (cons
+                      (cons name (cdar pos))
+                      (python-imenu-create-flat-index (cddr item) name))))))
+          (or alist
+              (let* ((fn (lambda (_type name) name))
+                     (python-imenu-format-item-label-function fn)
+                     (python-imenu-format-parent-item-label-function fn)
+                     (python-imenu-format-parent-item-jump-label-function fn))
+                (python-imenu-create-index)))))

 ;;; Misc helpers
@@ -4140,14 +4137,12 @@
 that takes one argument (a full path) and returns non-nil for
 allowed files."
   (let ((dir-name (file-name-as-directory dir)))
-    (apply #'nconc
-           (mapcar (lambda (file-name)
-                     (let ((full-file-name (expand-file-name file-name 
-                       (when (and
-                              (not (member file-name '("." "..")))
-                              (funcall (or predicate #'identity) 
-                         (list full-file-name))))
-                   (directory-files dir-name)))))
+    (mapcan (lambda (file-name)
+              (let ((full-file-name (expand-file-name file-name dir-name)))
+                (when (and (not (member file-name '("." "..")))
+                           (funcall (or predicate #'identity) full-file-name))
+                  (list full-file-name))))
+            (directory-files dir-name))))
 (defun python-util-list-packages (dir &optional max-depth)
   "List packages in DIR, limited by MAX-DEPTH.

=== modified file 'lisp/subr.el'
--- lisp/subr.el        2014-07-11 09:09:54 +0000
+++ lisp/subr.el        2014-07-29 19:41:09 +0000
@@ -315,12 +315,10 @@
   (unless parent (setq parent 'error))
   (let ((conditions
          (if (consp parent)
-             (apply #'nconc
-                    (mapcar (lambda (parent)
-                              (cons parent
-                                    (or (get parent 'error-conditions)
+             (mapcan (lambda (parent)
+                       (cons parent (or (get parent 'error-conditions)
                                         (error "Unknown signal `%s'" parent))))
-                            parent))
+                     parent)
            (cons parent (get parent 'error-conditions)))))
     (put name 'error-conditions
          (delete-dups (copy-sequence (cons name conditions))))

=== modified file 'lisp/textmodes/artist.el'
--- lisp/textmodes/artist.el    2014-01-01 07:43:34 +0000
+++ lisp/textmodes/artist.el    2014-07-30 09:37:51 +0000
@@ -1552,26 +1552,20 @@
 (defun artist-compute-key-compl-table (menu-table)
   "Compute completion table from MENU-TABLE, suitable for `completing-read'."
-  (apply
-   'nconc
-   (remq nil
-    (mapcar
-     (lambda (element)
-       (let ((element-tag (artist-mt-get-tag element)))
-        (cond ((eq element-tag 'graphics-operation)
-               (let* ((info-part     (artist-mt-get-info-part element))
-                      (unshifted     (artist-go-get-unshifted info-part))
-                      (shifted       (artist-go-get-shifted info-part))
-                      (unshifted-kwd (artist-go-get-keyword unshifted))
-                      (shifted-kwd   (artist-go-get-keyword shifted)))
-                 (list (list unshifted-kwd) (list shifted-kwd))))
-              ((eq element-tag 'menu)
-               (let* ((info-part     (artist-mt-get-info-part element))
-                      (items         (artist-mn-get-items info-part)))
-                 (artist-compute-key-compl-table items)))
-              (t
-               nil))))
-     menu-table))))
+  (mapcan (lambda (element)
+           (let ((element-tag (artist-mt-get-tag element)))
+             (cond ((eq element-tag 'graphics-operation)
+                    (let* ((info-part     (artist-mt-get-info-part element))
+                           (unshifted     (artist-go-get-unshifted info-part))
+                           (shifted       (artist-go-get-shifted info-part))
+                           (unshifted-kwd (artist-go-get-keyword unshifted))
+                           (shifted-kwd   (artist-go-get-keyword shifted)))
+                      (list (list unshifted-kwd) (list shifted-kwd))))
+                   ((eq element-tag 'menu)
+                    (let* ((info-part     (artist-mt-get-info-part element))
+                           (items         (artist-mn-get-items info-part)))
+                      (artist-compute-key-compl-table items))))))
+         menu-table))

=== modified file 'lisp/vc/vc-hg.el'
--- lisp/vc/vc-hg.el    2014-06-08 00:35:27 +0000
+++ lisp/vc/vc-hg.el    2014-07-29 19:37:00 +0000
@@ -680,8 +680,7 @@
         (apply #'vc-hg-command
                nil 0 nil
-               (apply 'nconc
-                      (mapcar (lambda (arg) (list "-r" arg)) marked-list)))
+               (mapcan (lambda (arg) (list "-r" arg)) marked-list))
       (error "No log entries selected for push"))))
 (defvar vc-hg-error-regexp-alist nil
@@ -712,9 +711,7 @@
        (apply #'vc-hg-command
               nil 0 nil
-              (apply 'nconc
-                     (mapcar (lambda (arg) (list "-r" arg))
-                             marked-list)))
+              (mapcan (lambda (arg) (list "-r" arg)) marked-list))
       (let* ((root (vc-hg-root default-directory))
             (buffer (format "*vc-hg : %s*" (expand-file-name root)))
             (command "pull")

=== modified file 'lisp/woman.el'
--- lisp/woman.el       2014-06-05 13:40:54 +0000
+++ lisp/woman.el       2014-07-29 13:21:02 +0000
@@ -414,9 +414,8 @@
               (substring arg 0 (match-end 1))
-(require 'cl-lib)
 (eval-when-compile                     ; to avoid compiler warnings
+  (require 'cl-lib)
   (require 'dired)
   (require 'apropos))
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@
             (mapcar 'woman-Cyg-to-Win (woman-parse-man.conf)))
            ((string-match-p ";" paths)
             ;; Assume DOS-style path-list...
-            (cl-mapcan                 ; splice list into list
+            (mapcan                    ; splice list into list
              (lambda (x)
                (if x
                    (list x)
@@ -445,14 +444,14 @@
             (list paths))
             ;; Assume UNIX/Cygwin-style path-list...
-            (cl-mapcan                 ; splice list into list
+            (mapcan                    ; splice list into list
              (lambda (x)
                (mapcar 'woman-Cyg-to-Win
                        (if x (list x) (woman-parse-man.conf))))
              (let ((path-separator ":"))
                (parse-colon-path paths)))))
     ;; Assume host-default-style path-list...
-    (cl-mapcan                         ; splice list into list
+    (mapcan                            ; splice list into list
      (lambda (x) (if x (list x) (woman-parse-man.conf)))
      (parse-colon-path (or paths "")))))

=== modified file 'src/fns.c'
--- src/fns.c   2014-07-26 13:17:25 +0000
+++ src/fns.c   2014-07-27 12:41:13 +0000
@@ -2441,6 +2441,29 @@
   return ret;
+DEFUN ("mapcan", Fmapcan, Smapcan, 2, 2, 0,
+       doc: /* Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, and nconc the 
+SEQUENCE may be a list, a vector, a bool-vector, or a string. */)
+  (Lisp_Object function, Lisp_Object sequence)
+  register EMACS_INT leni;
+  register Lisp_Object *args;
+  Lisp_Object ret;
+  if (CHAR_TABLE_P (sequence))
+    wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, sequence);
+  leni = XFASTINT (Flength (sequence));
+  SAFE_ALLOCA_LISP (args, leni);
+  mapcar1 (leni, args, function, sequence);
+  ret = Fnconc (leni, args);
+  SAFE_FREE ();
+  return ret;
 DEFUN ("mapc", Fmapc, Smapc, 2, 2, 0,
        doc: /* Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE for side effects 
 Unlike `mapcar', don't accumulate the results.  Return SEQUENCE.
@@ -5006,6 +5029,7 @@
   defsubr (&Sclear_string);
   defsubr (&Snconc);
   defsubr (&Smapcar);
+  defsubr (&Smapcan);
   defsubr (&Smapc);
   defsubr (&Smapconcat);
   defsubr (&Syes_or_no_p);


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