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Use of `dash` and `s` functions by MELPA packages

From: Alexis
Subject: Use of `dash` and `s` functions by MELPA packages
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:13:07 +1100

Hi all,

Out of interest, i've written a simple Perl5 script to analyse the
extent to which the various functions in the `dash` and `s` packages are
used by packages on MELPA. i've included the script within the org-babel
block at the end of this message; i imagine there are various issues
with its methodology and/or implementation, but feel it's at least a
starting point. Variables at the top of the script allow it to be
modified to analyse the use of libraries other than `dash` and `s`.

Comments in the script describe how i built all packages locally for the
script to work on. The download and build process took around 4 hours,
via a cable 'net connection and a Core i5 with 4G of RAM. Running the
script takes less than 10 minutes to complete on my system.

--- Results ---

### Usage of 'dash' by MELPA packages

'dash' is used by 259/4506 files (5.75%).

# Function usage counts, sorted by decreasing frequency

Count       %       Function
 311      14.55     -when
 299      13.99     -map
 159       7.44     --map
  97       4.54     -filter
  91       4.26     --each
  76       3.56     -each
  76       3.56     --filter
  74       3.46     -if
  60       2.81     -contains
  52       2.43     -flatten
  48       2.25     --first
  42       1.97     -first
  36       1.68     -last
  36       1.68     --remove
  35       1.64     -remove
  30       1.40     --when
  29       1.36     -mapcat
  26       1.22     -any
  25       1.17     -difference
  25       1.17     --reduce
  24       1.12     -reduce
  24       1.12     -concat
  24       1.12     --any
  22       1.03     -elem
  22       1.03     -distinct
  21       0.98     -union
  17       0.80     -find
  17       0.80     -all
  16       0.75     -take
  16       0.75     -sort
  16       0.75     --if
  15       0.70     -select
  15       0.70     -drop
  15       0.70     --mapcat
  14       0.66     -partial
  14       0.66     --sort
  12       0.56     -let
  11       0.51     -zip
  11       0.51     -snoc
  11       0.51     -slice
  11       0.51     -partition
  10       0.47     --keep
   8       0.37     -repeat
   8       0.37     -non
   8       0.37     -min
   8       0.37     --all
   7       0.33     -intersection
   7       0.33     -interpose
   6       0.28     -keep
   6       0.28     -insert
   6       0.28     -dotimes
   6       0.28     --group
   6       0.28     --find
   6       0.28     --dotimes
   5       0.23     -tree
   5       0.23     -list
   5       0.23     --separate
   4       0.19     -replace
   4       0.19     -max
   4       0.19     -lambda
   4       0.19     --drop
   3       0.14     -value
   3       0.14     -iterate
   3       0.14     -is
   3       0.14     -group
   3       0.14     --take
   2       0.09     -separate
   2       0.09     -interleave
   2       0.09     -cons
   2       0.09     -clone
   2       0.09     --split
   2       0.09     --last
   1       0.05     -update
   1       0.05     -table
   1       0.05     -sum
   1       0.05     -split
   1       0.05     -only
   1       0.05     -butlast
   1       0.05     -annotate
   1       0.05     --zip
   1       0.05     --tree
   1       0.05     --partition
   1       0.05     --none
   1       0.05     --max
   0       0.00     -unfold
   0       0.00     -splice
   0       0.00     -same
   0       0.00     -rotate
   0       0.00     -product
   0       0.00     -pad
   0       0.00     -none
   0       0.00     -grade
   0       0.00     -fix
   0       0.00     -cycle
   0       0.00     -count
   0       0.00     --update
   0       0.00     --unfold
   0       0.00     --splice
   0       0.00     --only
   0       0.00     --min
   0       0.00     --iterate
   0       0.00     --fix
   0       0.00     --count
   0       0.00     --annotate

# Function usage counts, sorted by function name

Function                       Count      %
--all                            8       0.37
--annotate                       0       0.00
--any                           24       1.12
--count                          0       0.00
--dotimes                        6       0.28
--drop                           4       0.19
--each                          91       4.26
--filter                        76       3.56
--find                           6       0.28
--first                         48       2.25
--fix                            0       0.00
--group                          6       0.28
--if                            16       0.75
--iterate                        0       0.00
--keep                          10       0.47
--last                           2       0.09
--map                          159       7.44
--mapcat                        15       0.70
--max                            1       0.05
--min                            0       0.00
--none                           1       0.05
--only                           0       0.00
--partition                      1       0.05
--reduce                        25       1.17
--remove                        36       1.68
--separate                       5       0.23
--sort                          14       0.66
--splice                         0       0.00
--split                          2       0.09
--take                           3       0.14
--tree                           1       0.05
--unfold                         0       0.00
--update                         0       0.00
--when                          30       1.40
--zip                            1       0.05
-all                            17       0.80
-annotate                        1       0.05
-any                            26       1.22
-butlast                         1       0.05
-clone                           2       0.09
-concat                         24       1.12
-cons                            2       0.09
-contains                       60       2.81
-count                           0       0.00
-cycle                           0       0.00
-difference                     25       1.17
-distinct                       22       1.03
-dotimes                         6       0.28
-drop                           15       0.70
-each                           76       3.56
-elem                           22       1.03
-filter                         97       4.54
-find                           17       0.80
-first                          42       1.97
-fix                             0       0.00
-flatten                        52       2.43
-grade                           0       0.00
-group                           3       0.14
-if                             74       3.46
-insert                          6       0.28
-interleave                      2       0.09
-interpose                       7       0.33
-intersection                    7       0.33
-is                              3       0.14
-iterate                         3       0.14
-keep                            6       0.28
-lambda                          4       0.19
-last                           36       1.68
-let                            12       0.56
-list                            5       0.23
-map                           299      13.99
-mapcat                         29       1.36
-max                             4       0.19
-min                             8       0.37
-non                             8       0.37
-none                            0       0.00
-only                            1       0.05
-pad                             0       0.00
-partial                        14       0.66
-partition                      11       0.51
-product                         0       0.00
-reduce                         24       1.12
-remove                         35       1.64
-repeat                          8       0.37
-replace                         4       0.19
-rotate                          0       0.00
-same                            0       0.00
-select                         15       0.70
-separate                        2       0.09
-slice                          11       0.51
-snoc                           11       0.51
-sort                           16       0.75
-splice                          0       0.00
-split                           1       0.05
-sum                             1       0.05
-table                           1       0.05
-take                           16       0.75
-tree                            5       0.23
-unfold                          0       0.00
-union                          21       0.98
-update                          1       0.05
-value                           3       0.14
-when                          311      14.55
-zip                            11       0.51

# Files using 'dash', sorted by usage count

Usage(s)  File
 162      smartparens
 108      projectile
  74      prodigy
  74      emr-elisp
  49      origami
  40      skeletor
  38      flycheck
  38      bog
  37      clj-refactor
  36      magnatune
  36      js2r-functions
  34      cask
  33      cake2
  30      turnip
  29      dired-subtree
  28      dired-filter
  25      m-buffer
  24      f
  24      cider-interaction
  23      workgroups2
  22      malinka
  22      jumblr
  21      virtualenvwrapper
  21      helm-bibtex
  21      ecukes-run
  20      wacs-interactive
  20      ecukes-reporter
  18      wonderland
  18      sclang-doc-mode
  18      anaconda-mode
  17      ox-pandoc
  17      commander
  15      projectile-rails
  15      elmacro
  15      color-identifiers-mode
  15      bts
  13      wacs-configuration
  13      omnisharp
  13      fsharp-mode-completion
  13      bbdb-csv-import
  12      sclang-ac-mode
  12      rswitcher
  12      org-drill-table
  12      httprepl
  12      dash-functional
  11      sclang-extensions-utils
  11      org-trello-controller
  11      nrepl-client
  11      litable
  11      keyset
  11      ert-modeline
  11      ecukes-parse
  10      undercover
  10      sclang-extensions
  10      packed
  10      org-trello-data
  10      org-trello-buffer
  10      helm-projectile
  10      emr-c
  10      emr
  10      ebib-utils
  10      dired-ranger
  10      cider-spy
  10      cask-cli
   9      org-trello-proxy
   9      org-transform-tree-table
   8      git
   8      flycheck-mercury
   8      edbi-django
   8      company-tern
   8      color-moccur
   8      cider-test
   7      wrap-region
   7      smart-mode-line
   7      req-package
   7      psci
   7      eyebrowse
   7      ecukes-helpers
   7      dired-hacks-utils
   7      creds
   7      cider-stacktrace
   7      ansi
   6      soundklaus
   6      quickref
   6      paradox
   6      nvm
   6      multifiles
   6      markdown-toc
   6      malabar-reflection
   6      malabar-mode
   6      evil-visual-mark-mode
   6      edts-project
   6      ebib
   5      string-edit
   5      smartparens-html
   5      scala-outline-popup
   5      pallet
   5      orgit
   5      org-trello-action
   5      malabar-project
   5      lxc
   5      lentic-asciidoc
   5      jvm-mode
   5      interval-tree
   5      imgix
   5      helm-flycheck
   5      grass-mode
   5      ert-runner
   5      ensime-config
   5      dired-open
   5      decl
   5      cider
   5      ag
   4      with-editor
   4      web
   4      wacs-util
   4      relative-buffers
   4      org-trello-backend
   4      op-export
   4      navorski
   4      minitest
   4      malabar-import
   4      js2r-helpers
   4      espuds
   4      esh-help
   4      elwm
   4      edts-xref
   4      ecukes-load
   4      ecukes-cli
   4      ecukes
   4      clocker
   3      wand
   3      thumb-frm
   3      tco
   3      simplezen
   3      shadchen
   3      servant
   3      rake
   3      org-trello-cbx
   3      omnisharp-utils
   3      omnisharp-server-actions
   3      omnisharp-auto-complete-actions
   3      noflet
   3      mustache-render
   3      magma-scan
   3      lentic-block
   3      flycheck-haskell
   3      flycheck-ert
   3      emamux-ruby-test
   3      cdnjs
   3      camcorder
   3      bibslurp
   3      auto-compile
   3      ace-jump-buffer
   2      ycmd
   2      tree-buffer
   2      travis-version
   2      solarized
   2      rubocop
   2      recompile-on-save
   2      py-test
   2      prosjekt
   2      pip-requirements
   2      outshine
   2      outline-magic
   2      org-trello-hash
   2      misc-cmds
   2      marmalade-client
   2      malabar-util
   2      malabar-service
   2      magma-smie
   2      magit-find-file
   2      js2r-vars
   2      js2-refactor
   2      ivs-edit
   2      inf-fsharp-mode
   2      helm-projectile-all
   2      hamlet-mode
   2      grunt
   2      go-projectile
   2      gnomenm
   2      gitlab-version
   2      gitlab-ui
   2      flycheck-pos-tip
   2      flycheck-d-unittest
   2      ensime-company
   2      ensime-client
   2      enh-ruby-mode
   2      edts-navigate
   2      ecukes-steps
   2      ecukes-core
   2      doremi-frm
   2      date-field
   2      company-anaconda
   2      cider-util
   2      cider-grimoire
   2      cider-eldoc
   1      with-namespace
   1      wacs-init
   1      trident-mode
   1      travis-utils
   1      tern-django
   1      tbx2org
   1      tagedit
   1      sonic-pi-console
   1      smartparens-config
   1      serverspec
   1      sclang-post-mode
   1      replace-from-region
   1      projmake-elmm
   1      overseer
   1      orglink
   1      org-trello-utils
   1      org-trello-setup
   1      org-trello-entity
   1      org-trello-api
   1      org-trello
   1      org-projectile
   1      marcopolo-version
   1      malabar-semanticdb
   1      malabar-ede-maven
   1      maker-mode
   1      lib-requires
   1      lentic-org
   1      lentic
   1      highlight
   1      helm-gitlab
   1      helm-dirset
   1      helm-aws
   1      helm-ad
   1      flycheck-tip
   1      flycheck-rust
   1      flycheck-ghcmod
   1      flycheck-color-mode-line
   1      flycheck-cask
   1      fakir
   1      evm
   1      eval-in-repl
   1      elnode-proxy
   1      edts-debug
   1      edts-code
   1      ecukes-template
   1      ecukes-reporter-magnars
   1      ecukes-hooks
   1      ecukes-byte-compile
   1      ebib-keywords
   1      dispass
   1      dired-narrow
   1      datomic-snippets
   1      codesearch
   1      clojure-quick-repls
   1      cider-client
   1      cider-classpath
   1      cider-apropos
   1      auto-package-update
   1      angular-snippets
   1      amd-mode
   1      aggressive-fill-paragraph
   1      ac-anaconda

# Files using 'dash', sorted alphabetically

File                             Usage(s)
ac-anaconda                         1
ace-jump-buffer                     3
ag                                  5
aggressive-fill-paragraph           1
amd-mode                            1
anaconda-mode                      18
angular-snippets                    1
ansi                                7
auto-compile                        3
auto-package-update                 1
bbdb-csv-import                    13
bibslurp                            3
bog                                38
bts                                15
cake2                              33
camcorder                           3
cask                               34
cask-cli                           10
cdnjs                               3
cider                               5
cider-apropos                       1
cider-classpath                     1
cider-client                        1
cider-eldoc                         2
cider-grimoire                      2
cider-interaction                  24
cider-spy                          10
cider-stacktrace                    7
cider-test                          8
cider-util                          2
clj-refactor                       37
clocker                             4
clojure-quick-repls                 1
codesearch                          1
color-identifiers-mode             15
color-moccur                        8
commander                          17
company-anaconda                    2
company-tern                        8
creds                               7
dash-functional                    12
date-field                          2
datomic-snippets                    1
decl                                5
dired-filter                       28
dired-hacks-utils                   7
dired-narrow                        1
dired-open                          5
dired-ranger                       10
dired-subtree                      29
dispass                             1
doremi-frm                          2
ebib                                6
ebib-keywords                       1
ebib-utils                         10
ecukes                              4
ecukes-byte-compile                 1
ecukes-cli                          4
ecukes-core                         2
ecukes-helpers                      7
ecukes-hooks                        1
ecukes-load                         4
ecukes-parse                       11
ecukes-reporter                    20
ecukes-reporter-magnars             1
ecukes-run                         21
ecukes-steps                        2
ecukes-template                     1
edbi-django                         8
edts-code                           1
edts-debug                          1
edts-navigate                       2
edts-project                        6
edts-xref                           4
elmacro                            15
elnode-proxy                        1
elwm                                4
emamux-ruby-test                    3
emr                                10
emr-c                              10
emr-elisp                          74
enh-ruby-mode                       2
ensime-client                       2
ensime-company                      2
ensime-config                       5
ert-modeline                       11
ert-runner                          5
esh-help                            4
espuds                              4
eval-in-repl                        1
evil-visual-mark-mode               6
evm                                 1
eyebrowse                           7
f                                  24
fakir                               1
flycheck                           38
flycheck-cask                       1
flycheck-color-mode-line            1
flycheck-d-unittest                 2
flycheck-ert                        3
flycheck-ghcmod                     1
flycheck-haskell                    3
flycheck-mercury                    8
flycheck-pos-tip                    2
flycheck-rust                       1
flycheck-tip                        1
fsharp-mode-completion             13
git                                 8
gitlab-ui                           2
gitlab-version                      2
gnomenm                             2
go-projectile                       2
grass-mode                          5
grunt                               2
hamlet-mode                         2
helm-ad                             1
helm-aws                            1
helm-bibtex                        21
helm-dirset                         1
helm-flycheck                       5
helm-gitlab                         1
helm-projectile                    10
helm-projectile-all                 2
highlight                           1
httprepl                           12
imgix                               5
inf-fsharp-mode                     2
interval-tree                       5
ivs-edit                            2
js2-refactor                        2
js2r-functions                     36
js2r-helpers                        4
js2r-vars                           2
jumblr                             22
jvm-mode                            5
keyset                             11
lentic                              1
lentic-asciidoc                     5
lentic-block                        3
lentic-org                          1
lib-requires                        1
litable                            11
lxc                                 5
m-buffer                           25
magit-find-file                     2
magma-scan                          3
magma-smie                          2
magnatune                          36
maker-mode                          1
malabar-ede-maven                   1
malabar-import                      4
malabar-mode                        6
malabar-project                     5
malabar-reflection                  6
malabar-semanticdb                  1
malabar-service                     2
malabar-util                        2
malinka                            22
marcopolo-version                   1
markdown-toc                        6
marmalade-client                    2
minitest                            4
misc-cmds                           2
multifiles                          6
mustache-render                     3
navorski                            4
noflet                              3
nrepl-client                       11
nvm                                 6
omnisharp                          13
omnisharp-auto-complete-actions     3
omnisharp-server-actions            3
omnisharp-utils                     3
op-export                           4
org-drill-table                    12
org-projectile                      1
org-transform-tree-table            9
org-trello                          1
org-trello-action                   5
org-trello-api                      1
org-trello-backend                  4
org-trello-buffer                  10
org-trello-cbx                      3
org-trello-controller              11
org-trello-data                    10
org-trello-entity                   1
org-trello-hash                     2
org-trello-proxy                    9
org-trello-setup                    1
org-trello-utils                    1
orgit                               5
orglink                             1
origami                            49
outline-magic                       2
outshine                            2
overseer                            1
ox-pandoc                          17
packed                             10
pallet                              5
paradox                             6
pip-requirements                    2
prodigy                            74
projectile                        108
projectile-rails                   15
projmake-elmm                       1
prosjekt                            2
psci                                7
py-test                             2
quickref                            6
rake                                3
recompile-on-save                   2
relative-buffers                    4
replace-from-region                 1
req-package                         7
rswitcher                          12
rubocop                             2
scala-outline-popup                 5
sclang-ac-mode                     12
sclang-doc-mode                    18
sclang-extensions                  10
sclang-extensions-utils            11
sclang-post-mode                    1
servant                             3
serverspec                          1
shadchen                            3
simplezen                           3
skeletor                           40
smart-mode-line                     7
smartparens                       162
smartparens-config                  1
smartparens-html                    5
solarized                           2
sonic-pi-console                    1
soundklaus                          6
string-edit                         5
tagedit                             1
tbx2org                             1
tco                                 3
tern-django                         1
thumb-frm                           3
travis-utils                        1
travis-version                      2
tree-buffer                         2
trident-mode                        1
turnip                             30
undercover                         10
virtualenvwrapper                  21
wacs-configuration                 13
wacs-init                           1
wacs-interactive                   20
wacs-util                           4
wand                                3
web                                 4
with-editor                         4
with-namespace                      1
wonderland                         18
workgroups2                        23
wrap-region                         7
ycmd                                2

### End

### Usage of 's' by MELPA packages

's' is used by 161/4506 files (3.57%).

# Function usage counts, sorted by decreasing frequency

Count       %       Function
 134      12.97     s-match
 130      12.58     s-join
 100       9.68     s-concat
  84       8.13     s-split
  77       7.45     s-matches
  70       6.78     s-trim
  67       6.49     s-starts
  58       5.61     s-blank
  55       5.32     s-chop
  43       4.16     s-equals
  36       3.48     s-replace
  33       3.19     s-ends
  23       2.23     s-contains
  15       1.45     s-lines
  13       1.26     s-format
  11       1.06     s-prepend
  11       1.06     s-append
   9       0.87     s-repeat
   9       0.87     s-lex
   6       0.58     s-chomp
   5       0.48     s-index
   5       0.48     s-downcase
   4       0.39     s-truncate
   4       0.39     s-present
   4       0.39     s-numeric
   3       0.29     s-word
   3       0.29     s-slice
   3       0.29     s-shared
   2       0.19     s-with
   2       0.19     s-upcase
   2       0.19     s-right
   2       0.19     s-pad
   2       0.19     s-lower
   2       0.19     s-left
   2       0.19     s-dashed
   1       0.10     s-upper
   1       0.10     s-snake
   1       0.10     s-presence
   1       0.10     s-capitalize
   0       0.00     s-wrap
   0       0.00     s-uppercase
   0       0.00     s-titleized
   0       0.00     s-titleize
   0       0.00     s-reverse
   0       0.00     s-mixedcase
   0       0.00     s-lowercase
   0       0.00     s-less
   0       0.00     s-count
   0       0.00     s-collapse
   0       0.00     s-center
   0       0.00     s-capitalized
   0       0.00     s--truthy
   0       0.00     s--mapcar
   0       0.00     s--aget

# Function usage counts, sorted by function name

Function                       Count      %
s--aget                          0       0.00
s--mapcar                        0       0.00
s--truthy                        0       0.00
s-append                        11       1.06
s-blank                         58       5.61
s-capitalize                     1       0.10
s-capitalized                    0       0.00
s-center                         0       0.00
s-chomp                          6       0.58
s-chop                          55       5.32
s-collapse                       0       0.00
s-concat                       100       9.68
s-contains                      23       2.23
s-count                          0       0.00
s-dashed                         2       0.19
s-downcase                       5       0.48
s-ends                          33       3.19
s-equals                        43       4.16
s-format                        13       1.26
s-index                          5       0.48
s-join                         130      12.58
s-left                           2       0.19
s-less                           0       0.00
s-lex                            9       0.87
s-lines                         15       1.45
s-lower                          2       0.19
s-lowercase                      0       0.00
s-match                        134      12.97
s-matches                       77       7.45
s-mixedcase                      0       0.00
s-numeric                        4       0.39
s-pad                            2       0.19
s-prepend                       11       1.06
s-presence                       1       0.10
s-present                        4       0.39
s-repeat                         9       0.87
s-replace                       36       3.48
s-reverse                        0       0.00
s-right                          2       0.19
s-shared                         3       0.29
s-slice                          3       0.29
s-snake                          1       0.10
s-split                         84       8.13
s-starts                        67       6.49
s-titleize                       0       0.00
s-titleized                      0       0.00
s-trim                          70       6.78
s-truncate                       4       0.39
s-upcase                         2       0.19
s-upper                          1       0.10
s-uppercase                      0       0.00
s-with                           2       0.19
s-word                           3       0.29
s-wrap                           0       0.00

# Files using 's', sorted by usage count

Usage(s)  File
  70      clj-refactor
  35      sclang-extensions-utils
  35      projectile
  32      malinka
  32      ecukes-parse
  31      emr-elisp
  27      projectile-rails
  27      commander
  26      skeletor
  26      list-packages-ext
  24      helm-bibtex
  22      turnip
  20      cake2
  18      weechat
  18      sclang-ac-mode
  18      melpa-upstream-visit
  17      ecukes-reporter
  16      fsharp-mode-completion
  16      fountain-mode
  15      virtualenvwrapper
  14      prodigy
  14      emr
  13      sphinx-doc
  13      mustache-lex
  12      simplezen
  10      soundklaus
  10      org-trello-data
  10      nvm
  10      gotest
   9      magnatune
   9      magit-gh-pulls
   9      httprepl
   9      flycheck-mercury
   9      espuds
   9      ert-runner
   9      emamux-ruby-test
   8      sclang-post-mode
   8      ecukes-run
   7      weechat-relay
   7      phpunit
   7      org-trello-cbx
   7      mustache-render
   7      git
   7      elmacro
   7      cerbere-phpunit
   6      web
   6      org-drill-table
   6      ecukes-cli
   6      bibslurp
   5      timesheet
   5      marcopolo-utils
   5      maker-mode
   5      jumblr
   5      ecukes
   5      cask-cli
   5      bts
   5      ag
   4      weechat-image
   4      weechat-color
   4      show-css
   4      relative-buffers
   4      mustache-parse
   4      maven-test-mode
   4      marcopolo-registry
   4      imgix
   4      helm-gitlab
   4      helm-dirset
   4      gradle-mode
   4      f
   4      emr-scheme
   4      emr-c
   4      cerbere-gotest
   3      weechat-corrector
   3      weechat-button
   3      travis-utils
   3      tagedit
   3      sclang-doc-mode
   3      psci
   3      password-store
   3      markdown-toc
   3      marcopolo-mode
   3      elmine
   3      ecukes-steps
   3      ecukes-load
   3      crm-custom
   3      company-ycmd
   3      cake-inflector
   3      buffer-combine
   3      angular-snippets
   2      weechat-tracking
   2      weechat-spelling
   2      weechat-cmd
   2      wand
   2      serverspec
   2      s-buffer
   2      org-trello-proxy
   2      org-trello-buffer
   2      navorski
   2      marcopolo-hub
   2      magma-interactive
   2      helm-github-stars
   2      hamlet-mode
   2      goto-gem
   2      gitlab-utils
   2      gitlab-issues
   2      gitlab-groups
   2      fsharp-mode
   2      ert-modeline
   2      ensime-company
   2      elnode-proxy
   2      edbi-django
   2      ecukes-reporter-landing
   2      ecukes-core
   2      company-tern
   2      ansible
   2      amd-mode
   1      weechat-core
   1      travis-repos
   1      travis-mode
   1      travis-builds
   1      tbx2org
   1      stock-ticker
   1      signature-display
   1      signature-backend
   1      shelldoc
   1      quickref
   1      pallet
   1      org-trello-utils
   1      org-trello-setup
   1      org-transform-tree-table
   1      livid-mode
   1      kurecolor
   1      js2r-helpers
   1      js2r-conditionals
   1      http
   1      hookify
   1      helm-project-persist
   1      helm-bm
   1      helm-backup
   1      gnomenm
   1      gitlab-session
   1      gitlab-projects
   1      flycheck-tip
   1      eyuml
   1      evm
   1      ensime-vars
   1      ensime-mode
   1      emr-prog
   1      emr-lisp
   1      elnode
   1      ecukes-template
   1      ecukes-reporter-progress
   1      ecukes-new
   1      ecukes-helpers
   1      ecukes-def
   1      eclim-completion
   1      dollaro
   1      dired-filter
   1      creds
   1      company-edbi
   1      anaconda-mode

# Files using 's', sorted alphabetically

File                             Usage(s)
ag                                  5
amd-mode                            2
anaconda-mode                       1
angular-snippets                    3
ansible                             2
bibslurp                            6
bts                                 5
buffer-combine                      3
cake-inflector                      3
cake2                              20
cask-cli                            5
cerbere-gotest                      4
cerbere-phpunit                     7
clj-refactor                       70
commander                          27
company-edbi                        1
company-tern                        2
company-ycmd                        3
creds                               1
crm-custom                          3
dired-filter                        1
dollaro                             1
eclim-completion                    1
ecukes                              5
ecukes-cli                          6
ecukes-core                         2
ecukes-def                          1
ecukes-helpers                      1
ecukes-load                         3
ecukes-new                          1
ecukes-parse                       32
ecukes-reporter                    17
ecukes-reporter-landing             2
ecukes-reporter-progress            1
ecukes-run                          8
ecukes-steps                        3
ecukes-template                     1
edbi-django                         2
elmacro                             7
elmine                              3
elnode                              1
elnode-proxy                        2
emamux-ruby-test                    9
emr                                14
emr-c                               4
emr-elisp                          31
emr-lisp                            1
emr-prog                            1
emr-scheme                          4
ensime-company                      2
ensime-mode                         1
ensime-vars                         1
ert-modeline                        2
ert-runner                          9
espuds                              9
evm                                 1
eyuml                               1
f                                   4
flycheck-mercury                    9
flycheck-tip                        1
fountain-mode                      16
fsharp-mode                         2
fsharp-mode-completion             16
git                                 7
gitlab-groups                       2
gitlab-issues                       2
gitlab-projects                     1
gitlab-session                      1
gitlab-utils                        2
gnomenm                             1
gotest                             10
goto-gem                            2
gradle-mode                         4
hamlet-mode                         2
helm-backup                         1
helm-bibtex                        24
helm-bm                             1
helm-dirset                         4
helm-github-stars                   2
helm-gitlab                         4
helm-project-persist                1
hookify                             1
http                                1
httprepl                            9
imgix                               4
js2r-conditionals                   1
js2r-helpers                        1
jumblr                              5
kurecolor                           1
list-packages-ext                  26
livid-mode                          1
magit-gh-pulls                      9
magma-interactive                   2
magnatune                           9
maker-mode                          5
malinka                            32
marcopolo-hub                       2
marcopolo-mode                      3
marcopolo-registry                  4
marcopolo-utils                     5
markdown-toc                        3
maven-test-mode                     4
melpa-upstream-visit               18
mustache-lex                       13
mustache-parse                      4
mustache-render                     7
navorski                            2
nvm                                10
org-drill-table                     6
org-transform-tree-table            1
org-trello-buffer                   2
org-trello-cbx                      7
org-trello-data                    10
org-trello-proxy                    2
org-trello-setup                    1
org-trello-utils                    1
pallet                              1
password-store                      3
phpunit                             7
prodigy                            14
projectile                         35
projectile-rails                   27
psci                                3
quickref                            1
relative-buffers                    4
s-buffer                            2
sclang-ac-mode                     18
sclang-doc-mode                     3
sclang-extensions-utils            35
sclang-post-mode                    8
serverspec                          2
shelldoc                            1
show-css                            4
signature-backend                   1
signature-display                   1
simplezen                          12
skeletor                           26
soundklaus                         10
sphinx-doc                         13
stock-ticker                        1
tagedit                             3
tbx2org                             1
timesheet                           5
travis-builds                       1
travis-mode                         1
travis-repos                        1
travis-utils                        3
turnip                             22
virtualenvwrapper                  15
wand                                2
web                                 6
weechat                            18
weechat-button                      3
weechat-cmd                         2
weechat-color                       4
weechat-core                        1
weechat-corrector                   3
weechat-image                       4
weechat-relay                       7
weechat-spelling                    2
weechat-tracking                    2

### End

--- End results ---

#+begin_src perl


    # The following script assumes the following commands have been
    # run from a shell:
    # $ git clone https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa
    # $ cd melpa
    # $ make all
    # $ cd packages
    # $ for i in *.tar; do tar xf $i; done
    # The library being analysed is specified via
    # the $util_package_name and $util_package_prefix
    # variables.
    # The value of $elpa_dir will probably need to be
    # modified to reflect the location of the
    # melpa/packages directory on your system.

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use English;
    use File::Find;

    # -- Initialisations --

    # Variables which can be set by the user.

    my $elpa_dir = $ENV{HOME} . '/src/github/melpa/packages/';
    my $util_package_name = 'dash';
    # We can't simply generate this from $util_package_name
    # because it would break on (at least) dash.el.
    my $util_package_prefix = '-';

    # Internal variables.

    my $all_function_occurences = 0;
    my $all_usage_occurences = 0;
    my $count;
    my $dh;
    my $fh;
    my $func;
    my $package_count = 0;
    my $package_element;
    my $percentage;
    my $usage_percentage = 0;

    my @funcs_by_frequency;
    my @funcs_by_name;
    my @package_elements_by_usage_frequency;
    my @package_elements_by_name;
    my @packages;

    my %files_using_util_package;
    my %usages;
    my %util_package_functions;

    # -- Helper functions. --

    sub extract_util_package_functions {

        if (/^${util_package_name}(-\d{8}\.\d+)?\.el$/) {

            my $f = $File::Find::name;
            open($fh, '<', $f) || die "Couldn't open $f: $!";
            while (<$fh>) {
                if (/\(defun (${util_package_prefix}-?[[:alnum:]]+)/
                    || /\(defmacro (${util_package_prefix}-?[[:alnum:]]+)/) {
                    $util_package_functions{$1} = 0;


    sub analyse_functions_usage {

        if (/^([-[:alnum:]]+)(?:-\d{8}\.\d+)?\.el$/) {

            my $package_element = $1;
            my $filename = $_;

            if ($package_element =~ /-pkg/) {
            if ($filename =~ /^${util_package_name}-\d{8}\.\d+\.el$/) {

            push @packages, $package_element;
            print "Analysing $package_element ....\n";

            open($fh, '<', $File::Find::name) || die "Couldn't open 
$File::Find::name: $!";
            while (<$fh>) {            
                for my $key (keys %util_package_functions) {
                    if (/\(${key}/) {
            close $fh || die "Couldn't close $File::Find::name: $!";


    # -- Processing --

    find(\&extract_util_package_functions, ($elpa_dir));
    finddepth(\&analyse_functions_usage, ($elpa_dir));

    # -- Calculations --

    $all_usage_occurences = scalar(keys %usages);
    $usage_percentage = $all_usage_occurences / $package_count * 100;

    for my $key (keys %util_package_functions) {
        $all_function_occurences += $util_package_functions{$key};

    for $func (sort keys %util_package_functions) {
        $count = sprintf("%3u", $util_package_functions{$func});
        $percentage = sprintf('%2.2f', ($util_package_functions{$func} / 
$all_function_occurences * 100));
        push @funcs_by_frequency, $count . "\t" . $percentage . "\t" . $func;
        push @funcs_by_name, $func . "\t" . $count . "\t" . $percentage;

    for $package_element (sort keys %usages) {
        $count = sprintf("%3u", $usages{$package_element});
        push @package_elements_by_usage_frequency, $count . "\t" . 
        push @package_elements_by_name, $package_element . "\t" . $count;

    # -- Results --


    print "\n";
    print "###\n";
    print "### Usage of '$util_package_name' by MELPA packages\n";
    print "###\n\n";
    print "'$util_package_name' is used by 
${all_usage_occurences}/${package_count} files (" . sprintf("%2.2f", 
$usage_percentage) . "%).\n\n\n";

    print "# Function usage counts, sorted by decreasing frequency\n\n";

    format Frequency_top =
    Count       %       Function

    format Frequency =
    @###     @##.##     @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    $count, $percentage, $func

    $FORMAT_TOP_NAME = 'Frequency_top';
    $FORMAT_NAME = 'Frequency';
    for my $elt (reverse sort @funcs_by_frequency) {
        ($count, $percentage, $func) = split('\t', $elt);

    print "\n\n";
    print "# Function usage counts, sorted by function name\n\n";

    format Name_top =
    Function                       Count      %

    format Name =
    @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<     @###     @##.##
    $func, $count, $percentage

    $FORMAT_TOP_NAME = 'Name_top';
    $FORMAT_NAME = 'Name';
    for my $elt (sort @funcs_by_name) {
        ($func, $count, $percentage) = split('\t', $elt);

    print "\n\n";
    print "# Files using '$util_package_name', sorted by usage count\n\n";

    format File_usages_count_top =
    Usage(s)  File                           

    format File_usages_count =
    @###      @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    $count, $package_element

    $FORMAT_TOP_NAME = 'File_usages_count_top';
    $FORMAT_NAME = 'File_usages_count';
    for my $elt (reverse sort @package_elements_by_usage_frequency) {
        ($count, $package_element) = split('\t', $elt);

    print "\n\n";
    print "# Files using '$util_package_name', sorted alphabetically\n\n";

    format File_usages_alphabetically_top =
    File                             Usage(s)

    format File_usages_alphabetically =
    @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   @##
    $package_element, $count

    $FORMAT_TOP_NAME = 'File_usages_alphabetically_top';
    $FORMAT_NAME = 'File_usages_alphabetically';
    for my $elt (sort @package_elements_by_name) {
        ($package_element, $count) = split('\t', $elt);

    print "\n\n";
    print "### End\n\n";



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