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Re: Dynamic loading progress

From: Aurélien Aptel
Subject: Re: Dynamic loading progress
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 22:49:44 +0100

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 19:57:42 +0100 Aurélien Aptel <address@hidden> wrote:
> AA> I'm just letting everyone know I'm working on my patch again. I've
> AA> started by merging the last 2-3 months commits in master but of course
> AA> there are merge conflicts... It's taking more time to resolve than
> AA> anticipated.
> AA> There's a macro conflict with "Qc". I had to rename Qc to Qc_ in
> AA> modules/opaque/opaque.c because globals.h defines Qc to something.
> AA> I'm also working on a small test suite since I (and maintainers)
> AA> quickly want to know when my code breaks.
> Great, thanks.  I assume you started with the dynamic-modules-rc2 branch
> I pushed to the Emacs repo?  If not, take a look at it.

Nope, I've used my dynamic-modules branch... fuck.

Someone keeps messing with small parts of doc.c I'm also working on
and each time I have to re-understand partially how the spaghetti code
in Snarf_documention works to merge. Currently, the wrong prefix
(sibling_xxx) is added to the doc file path which prevent the
docstring to be loaded and makes emacs abort. I'm sure it's not hard
but it's the third time and it tires me. I should have waited to merge
or let someone else do it. Sorry for the rant.

I've tried to keep every changes from master while merging, I hope I
haven't skipped/reverted something.

> With the test suite, I'm sure we'll be able to merge it very quickly.

I've made some tests in several module test.el file using ERT. There's
algo a small script in modules/tests.py which runs all the module
tests. Be warned though, since the loading part is broken I've written
the tests blindly. Some might fail/pass when they should/nt.

The code is on my dynamic-modules branch on my github repo.

$ git clone https://github.com/aaptel/emacs-dynamic-module.git
$ git checkout dynamic-modules

I'm sure there's a lighter way to get it (if you already have the
emacs repo) involving arcane git commands. If you know them I'm

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