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Re: [PATCH] fix conv_lisp_to_sockaddr for AF_INET6 addresses

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: [PATCH] fix conv_lisp_to_sockaddr for AF_INET6 addresses
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:01:42 +1100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

OpenSSL s_server seems to offer a pretty simple way to set up a TLS

openssl s_server [-help] [-accept port] [-naccept count] [-context id] [-verify 
depth] [-Verify depth] [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-cert filename] 
[-certform DER|PEM] [-key keyfile] [-keyform DER|PEM] [-pass arg] [-dcert 
filename] [-dcertform DER|PEM] [-dkey keyfile] [-dkeyform DER|PEM] [-dpass arg] 
[-dhparam filename] [-nbio] [-nbio_test] [-crlf] [-debug] [-msg] [-state] 
[-CApath directory] [-CAfile filename] [-no-CAfile] [-no-CApath] [-attime 
timestamp] [-check_ss_sig] [-explicit_policy] [-extended_crl] 
[-ignore_critical] [-inhibit_any] [-inhibit_map] [-issuer_checks] 
[-partial_chain] [-policy arg] [-policy_check] [-policy_print] [-purpose 
purpose] [-suiteB_128] [-suiteB_128_only] [-suiteB_192] [-trusted_first] 
[-no_alt_chains] [-use_deltas] [-verify_depth num] [-verify_return_error] 
[-verify_email email] [-verify_hostname hostname] [-verify_ip ip] [-verify_name 
name] [-x509_strict] [-nocert] [-cipher cipherlist] [-serverpref] [-quiet] 
[-ssl3] [-tls1] [-dtls] [-dtls1] [-dtls1_2] [-listen] [-async] [-no_ssl3] 
[-no_tls1] [-no_dhe] [-bugs] [-comp] [-no_comp] [-brief] [-www] [-WWW] [-HTTP] 
[-engine id] [-tlsextdebug] [-no_ticket] [-id_prefix arg] [-rand file(s)] 
[-serverinfo file] [-no_resumption_on_reneg] [-status] [-status_verbose] 
[-status_timeout nsec] [-status_url url] [-nextprotoneg protocols]


But I'll test it out and see whether it's usable for our purposes.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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