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Re: [emacs-announce] Emacs pretest 25.0.93

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: Re: [emacs-announce] Emacs pretest 25.0.93
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 17:20:07 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:

> > -;;;### (autoloads nil "cal-iso" "cal-iso.el" t)
> > +;;;### (autoloads nil "cal-iso" "cal-iso.el" (22225 49314 854982
> > +;;;;;;  791000))
> AFAIU, these differences are meaningless.  But I have no autoloads
> whose time stamp is 't'.

FWIW, I once saw this while calling "make" for Helm.  I investigated and
saw such a "t" timestamp in the loaddefs file.  I didn't think long
about it.  I just deleted that loaddefs file - after that, "make"
succeeded, and instead of "t" there was a "real" time stamp.

But we are lucky, I still have a Lisp backtrace from the error in my
Trash (not from building, but from reproducing with

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid time specification")
  time-less-p(t (22288 49208 740259 566000))
  (not (time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes file))))
  (cond ((and (consp file) (stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section 
(match-beginning 0)) (setq last-time (nth 4 form)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- 
file)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car --dolist-tail--))) (let 
((file-time ...)) (if (and file-time ...) (progn ... ...))) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not 
(file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member (expand-file-name file) 
autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))) nil) (t 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (setq 
no-autoloads (cons file no-autoloads)))))
  (let* ((form (autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and 
(consp file) (stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 
0)) (setq last-time (nth 4 form)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- file)) (while 
--dolist-tail-- (let ((file ...)) (let (...) (if ... ...)) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not 
(file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member (expand-file-name file) 
autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))) nil) (t 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (setq 
no-autoloads (cons file no-autoloads))))) (setq done (cons file done)) (setq 
files (delete file files)))
  (while (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (setq 
last-time (nth 4 form)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- file)) (while --dolist-tail-- 
(let (...) (let ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...))))) ((not (stringp file))) 
((or (not (file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member (expand-file-name 
file) autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))) nil) (t 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (setq 
no-autoloads (cons file no-autoloads))))) (setq done (cons file done)) (setq 
files (delete file files))))
  (save-excursion (setq files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) 
(mapcar 'file-relative-name files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (setq 
last-time (nth 4 form)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- file)) (while --dolist-tail-- 
(let ... ... ...)))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not (file-exists-p file)) 
(member file done) (member (expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes)) 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not (time-less-p (nth 4 form) 
(nth 5 ...))) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (setq 
no-autoloads (cons file no-autoloads))))) (setq done (cons file done)) (setq 
files (delete file files)))))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (autoload-find-generated-file)) 
(save-excursion (setq files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) 
(mapcar 'file-relative-name files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp ...)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (setq last-time 
(nth 4 form)) (let (...) (while --dolist-tail-- ...))) ((not (stringp file))) 
((or (not ...) (member file done) (member ... autoload-excludes)) 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not (time-less-p ... ...)) 
nil) (t (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file ... buffer-file-name) (setq no-autoloads 
...)))) (setq done (cons file done)) (setq files (delete file files))))) (let 
((no-autoloads-time (or last-time '(0 0 0 0))) file-time) (let 
((--dolist-tail-- files)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car 
--dolist-tail--))) (cond ((member ... autoload-excludes) nil) ((setq file-time 
...) (setq no-autoloads ...) (if ... ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr 
--dolist-tail--))))) (if no-autoloads (progn (setq no-autoloads (sort 
no-autoloads 'string<)) (goto-char (point-max)) (search-backward "\f" nil t) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (current-buffer) nil nil no-autoloads 
no-autoloads-time) (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (let 
((version-control 'never)) (save-buffer)) (autoload-save-buffers))
  (let* ((files-re (let ((tmp nil)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- 
(get-load-suffixes))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let (...) (if ... nil ...) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- ...)))) (concat "^[^=.].*" (regexp-opt tmp t) "\\'"))) (files 
(apply 'nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (dir) (directory-files ... t files-re)) dirs))) 
(done nil) (last-time) (no-autoloads nil) (autoload-modified-buffers nil) 
(generated-autoload-file (if (called-interactively-p 'interactive) 
(read-file-name "Write autoload definitions to file: ") 
generated-autoload-file))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer 
(autoload-find-generated-file)) (save-excursion (setq files (delete 
(file-relative-name buffer-file-name) (mapcar 'file-relative-name files))) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header 
nil t) (let* ((form (autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond 
((and ... ...) (autoload-remove-section ...) (setq last-time ...) (let ... 
...)) ((not ...)) ((or ... ... ...) (autoload-remove-section ...)) ((not ...) 
nil) (t (autoload-remove-section ...) (if ... ...))) (setq done (cons file 
done)) (setq files (delete file files))))) (let ((no-autoloads-time (or 
last-time '(0 0 0 0))) file-time) (let ((--dolist-tail-- files)) (while 
--dolist-tail-- (let ((file ...)) (cond (... nil) (... ... ...)) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (if no-autoloads (progn (setq 
no-autoloads (sort no-autoloads 'string<)) (goto-char (point-max)) 
(search-backward "\f" nil t) (autoload-insert-section-header (current-buffer) 
nil nil no-autoloads no-autoloads-time) (insert 
generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (let ((version-control 'never)) 
(save-buffer)) (autoload-save-buffers)))
  (let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "helm-autoloads.el" ".")) 
(backup-inhibited t)) (update-directory-autoloads "."))
  (progn (let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "helm-autoloads.el" 
".")) (backup-inhibited t)) (update-directory-autoloads ".")))
  eval((progn (let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name 
"helm-autoloads.el" ".")) (backup-inhibited t)) (update-directory-autoloads 
"."))) nil)
  pp-eval-expression((progn (let ((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name 
"helm-autoloads.el" ".")) (backup-inhibited t)) (update-directory-autoloads 
  my-pp-eval-expression((my-eval-in-mb-wrapper (let ((generated-autoload-file 
(expand-file-name "helm-autoloads.el" ".")) (backup-inhibited t)) 
(update-directory-autoloads "."))) nil)
  funcall-interactively(my-pp-eval-expression (my-eval-in-mb-wrapper (let 
((generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "helm-autoloads.el" ".")) 
(backup-inhibited t)) (update-directory-autoloads "."))) nil)
  call-interactively(my-pp-eval-expression nil nil)



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