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Re: Why is .ml associated with lisp-mode in auto-mode-alist?

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: Why is .ml associated with lisp-mode in auto-mode-alist?
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2018 22:05:49 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 26.1

Wilfred Hughes <address@hidden> writes:

I've noticed the following line in files.el:

("\\.ml\\'" . lisp-mode)

This seems strange to me: .ml files are generally ML or Ocaml. Git
history says this line was added to Emacs in 1992 in commit
7b3f3dc2bba80d, but that commit doesn't suggest why this association
was added.

I'm not aware of any lisp file formats that use *.ml files, and
lisp-mode is not well suited for editing ML-family code.

Hmm, were MacLisp source files ever given a .ml extension?

(Yes, i would assume a .ml file was ML-family source, myself ....)


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