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Re: On elisp running native

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: On elisp running native
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 10:14:30 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>> For such a large feature I'd prefer not to do that, assuming that some
>> people will want to track that branch and perhaps contribute changes
>> and patches.  Why would force-push be necessary?
> Just a curiosity.

For completeness: force-push is technically disabled on the whole
repository.  The only thing you can do technically instead is to delete
a branch and push a new branch at the same place (which ends up doing
the same).

We only tolerate such rebases on scratch/* branches.

> It can be used to keep on rebasing the branch fast forward tho (thing
> I did till now) but is not good for cooperative development I agree.

Merging works just as well as rebasing to stay in-sync with `master`.
And rebasing would be a pain in my rear when I start tracking your branch.

> Okay, so the branch landed now on emacs.git as feature/native-comp.

Great, thanks.

> Other than rounding edges should be focus also on more performance
> and/or dynamic scope support?

I think the focus should be on:
- making it work everywhere
- making it easy/convenient to use (e.g. even if you share your $HOME between
  different architectures or even different OSes as well as different
  versions of Emacs)
- making the code clean [ I haven't looked closely enough to know how much of
  this might be necessary ]
- improve the quality of the generated code (size or speed, typically)

As far as I'm concerned, support for a nil value of lexical-binding is
a non-goal (it should still work, of course, e.g. by using the
bytecode): the dynbind version of Elisp is a legacy language and it's
better to update the code to lexbind than to try and make that legacy
code run faster.


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