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Re: GNU ELPA package discoverability

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: GNU ELPA package discoverability
Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 17:23:06 +0300

> From: Tim Cross <address@hidden>
> Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 10:28:42 +1000
> Cc: Emacs developers <address@hidden>
> I think the following might help 
> - Define the rationale and objectives that underpins ELPA. Forget about 
> historical context and focus on
> current context. 
> - Define what should be and what should not be included in ELPA. This should 
> be based on objective criteria
> - Define an ELPA custodian responsible for deciding whether a package should 
> or should not be
> added/removed from ELPA. This custodian should be able to appoint a team of 
> people who can assist.
> There will probably need to be some appeal process as well, but I'd keep it 
> simple to begin with. 
> - Ensure the custodian is supported and is seen as the 'official voice'. Any 
> ideas, concerns or need for
> clarification re: policy etc should first be discussed with the ELPA 
> custodian (they may delegate some of the
> work, but announcements, decisions etc should come from them). Note that this 
> does not mean they are the
> decision maker or benevolent dictator - they are just the spokesperson and 
> what they say can be take as the
> official position. 
> - Develop guidelines on when a package or library should be included in core 
> Emacs i.e. is in the Emacs
> source code distribution and when it should be in ELPA. 
> - Decide if we really need the ability to have some sort of category or split 
> i.e the 'blessed' and 'neutral'
> packages (I'm not convinced this is a good idea). 

Sounds like a good plan, thanks.

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