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Re: Standardizing more key bindings?

From: Thibaut Verron
Subject: Re: Standardizing more key bindings?
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 06:38:31 +0200

>   > The example given, I believe, was sending a region to the
>   > REPL.
> Would you be so kind as to post again the text that you're referring
> to?  As far as I know, Emacs does not have such a command.  It has M-:
> and C-x C-e.

Assuming that you mean "does have", that's actually not what I have in
mind. For emacs lisp, the closest would be a command sending a region
to a IELM buffer and evaluating it. It is not the same as M-:, for
instance when it comes to acting on the selected buffer.

> Or... are you talking about languages other than Lisp?  Most of those
> languages do not HAVE functions comparable to read, eval, and print.
> They may have the ability to execute a program sent interactively
> but the term REPL is not applicable to them.

My terminology might be inexact. I'm thinking of the interactive
interfaces of software like Python, R, Caml, Shell...

My point is that currently there is no way of binding C-c C-e, C-c C-r
or whatever to "send this region to the process-interaction buffer".

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