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Handling of [mouse-movement] and exiting isearch

From: Daniel Martín
Subject: Handling of [mouse-movement] and exiting isearch
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2020 01:09:50 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.1 (darwin)

I'd like commands bound to [mouse-movement] to not exit isearch, and I'm
confused by this code in isearch.el:

    ;; Pass frame events transparently so they won't exit the search.
    ;; In particular, if we have more than one display open, then a
    ;; switch-frame might be generated by someone typing at another keyboard.
    (define-key map [switch-frame] nil)
    (define-key map [delete-frame] nil)
    (define-key map [iconify-frame] nil)
    (define-key map [make-frame-visible] nil)
    (define-key map [mouse-movement] nil)
    (define-key map [language-change] nil)

The comment seems to imply that [mouse-movement], [language-change] and
some frame-related events won't exit isearch.  However, the code is
calling define-key and passsing KEY as nil, which means that the events
will be undefined in isearch-mode-map, which by default means that they
_will_ exit isearch, right? I think the code that implements this logic
is in function isearch-pre-command-hook:

   ;; Don't exit Isearch for isearch key bindings.
   ((or (commandp (lookup-key isearch-mode-map key nil))
          `(keymap (tool-bar menu-item nil ,isearch-tool-bar-map))

What am I missing? I'm not sure if making [mouse-movement] not exit
isearch worked in the past but has regressed in recent versions of
Emacs, or if I'm not understanding the logic correctly.


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