Compare that to following picture:
03-ivy-disturbes-all-screen-by-default.png when I use default ivy-mode:
- minibuffer expands disturbing all the screen
- bottom split window is shown but is useless. If it is to be disturbed
then don't show it to me at all. I think but I may be wrong, that
icomplete works this way last time I tested it.
- minibuffer is not any more there! How should I teach my stuff that
they have certain control with minibuffer which is normally at bottom. I
teach my staff by sending them Tutorial to do and info files to read.
- It did expand but it expands too much. It disturbs even the initial
condition of how windows were split. So it is minimizing my top window
for the sake of completion. Do I really want that? No. All these
commentaries are not to make anybody bad, they are for thinking and
observations when designing these completions.