Arthur Miller <> writes:
>> The paragraph just below this one, though, describes in detail what
>> happens with a mixed &optional and &rest argument list, so that's not my
>> impression when reading that node.
> "A call to the function requires one actual argument for each of the
No, this bit:
For example, an argument list that looks like this:
(a b &optional c d &rest e)
binds a and b to the first two actual arguments, which are required. If
one or two more arguments are provided, c and d are bound to them
respectively; any arguments after the first four are collected into a
list and e is bound to that list. Thus, if there are only two
arguments, c, d and e are nil; if two or three arguments, d and e are
nil; if four arguments or fewer, e is nil. Note that exactly five
arguments with an explicit nil argument provided for e will cause that
nil argument to be passed as a list with one element, (nil), as with any
other single value for e.
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