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Re: [PATCH] Speed up project-kill-buffers

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Speed up project-kill-buffers
Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 04:30:57 +0300
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On 20.05.2021 15:16, Stephen Leake wrote:
Stephen Leake <stephen_leake@stephe-leake.org> writes:

Hmm. I just found project-kill-buffer-conditions; maybe I could
customize that; it allows arbitrary predicate functions. It would be
more efficient if the predicate function were also passed the project
object, so it doesn't have to call project-current again (hmm - shades
of project-delete-this-buffer-p :).

This works for wisi projects, but not for the elisp project (it signals
an error):

I suppose if you set project-find-functions to a local value in emacs-lisp-mode buffers (which is IMO unusual), you could also set project-kill-buffer-conditions to a different local value in those buffers?

(defun wisi-prj-kill-buffer-condition (buffer)
   "Return non-nil if BUFFER should be killed.
For `project-kill-buffer-conditions'."
   (let* ((source-path (wisi-prj-source-path (project-current)))

Are those just project sources or dependency dirs as well?

         (buf-file-name (buffer-file-name buffer))
         (done (not (buffer-file-name buffer)))
         (result nil)
     (while (and source-path
                (not done))
       (setq dir (pop source-path))
       (when (and dir
                 (file-in-directory-p buf-file-name dir))
        (setq done t)
        (setq result t)))

On the face of it, project-kill-buffer-conditions could use a PROJECT argument to improve efficiency, but if you have a var which points to the global project, your 'project-current' probably works very quickly. So there wouldn't be much actual speedup in your case.

You can prove me wrong with (benchmark 1 '...) or (benchmark-progn ...).

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