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Re: Why not set Emacs development workflow based on the popular git forg

From: Ben Mezger
Subject: Re: Why not set Emacs development workflow based on the popular git forges (GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, ect)?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2021 11:04:42 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.4; emacs 28.0.50

I don't think a follow-up in this thread is necessary, as there is a
huge thread already in place concerning this discussion, but:

> OTOH, Linux kernel [1] has already adopted GitHub as its development
> platform, which is also complete free and a classic example of
> successful free software.

Not really, no. The Linux's Github repo is only a mirror of the
repository, however, no PR, discussion happen there, and those that do
happen, are ignored.

Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.zhao@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 7:24 PM Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Nowadays, the large software projects often conduct the development on
>> > the workflow supplied by git  forges (GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab,
>> > etc.). But it seems that Emacs is still developed directly on git, as
>> > described here [1], which makes maintaining GNU Emacs development a
>> > lot of extra work.
>> GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab require their users to run non-free
>> software, which already disqualifies them for the development of GNU
>> software.
> If so, I don't think there is such a complete free platform in the
> world, even the SourceHut you mentioned below, which is also operated,
> at least in part, as a commercial product. OTOH, Linux kernel [1] has
> already adopted GitHub as its development platform, which is also
> complete free and a classic example of successful free software.
>> There was recently a discussion (perhaps it is still in progress? I
>> don't know) about moving to SourceHut, but I don't think it's gone
>> anywhere.  The problem seems to be that the present system exists and
>> works, while nobody has sat down and completed the work required to
>> migrate to a new one.
> I can't say anything. Almost all Emacs developers and users are
> excellent programmers/scientists/engineers. But excellent people also
> have their own beliefs, quirks and their inner bottom line. Sometimes
> it may not be consistent with the prevailing trend, just like the
> existence of Emacs itself.
>> Would you like to volunteer? :D
> Technically speaking, I think there are so many guys in Emacs
> community have enough ability to do this.
> [1] https://github.com/torvalds/linux
> Best, Hongyi

Kind regards,
Met een vriendelijke groet,

Ben Mezger


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